~School's STRESSING you out~LIAM

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You walk through the door in tears and Liam jumps right to attention. "What's wrong? What happened?" he frets. "I got another D on a test in history," you blubber. "I just don't understand. I pay attention in class, I do the homework, I study...why can't I do better on these tests?" Liam gives a pathetic shrug, at a loss for words. Instead he pulls you into a hug and holds you until your tears have subsided. You take in one last shaky breath before pulling away and sulking off to get your work done. Later that night, while you're fast asleep, Liam goes into your backpack and pulls out your assignment notebook and history textbook. He determines which chapter your class is currently studying and spends the next couple of hours putting together flash cards for you. When you wake up the next morning, you find the flash cards on your desk with a note: "Thought this might help. We'll go through them together when you get home this afternoon. Love you, stay smiling xx" You smile broadly as you tiptoe over to Liam's side of the bed and give him a soft kiss to his cheek as he sleeps soundly.

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