~How you meet~Niall

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You were on your way to Nandos to grab something for dinner, when you see a swarm of teenager girls and even paparazzi hanging around. You didn't know what was going on but realized the mob was surrounding Nandos. You were about to try and get through into the restaurant but ended up getting trampled by fans. You fell and hurt your ankle, and hurt your hip as your hip hit the hard stairs. "excuse me, excuse me" you hear a young man saying as he tries to get his way through. You look up and see the One an only Niall Horan bending down to your level. "are you okay?" he asks sweetly, "yeah I should be fine" you reply smiling, "you better go before your fans trample you too" you whisper, "and leave a gorgeous lady like you, hurt, and not give you my number no way" he says and you giggle a little. "here let me help you up" "thanks" you smile as you take his hand. You slowly get up and he puts his arm around you for support. It hurt to stand because both your ankle and hip had gotten hurt so most your weight was on Niall. "my hotel is just up the road, is it okay if I take you there and away from the crowd, and so you can get some ice on your ankle an hip?" Niall sweetly and politely asks, "yeah my house is a few blocks away" you softly whisper, and you and Niall start to walk, everyone started to follow. "guys give us a little room please, she is hurt enough we don't need her getting hurt more" Niall states and everyone backs off a little. You both walk to his hotel, well you limp, while leaning on him. "you alright?" he asks as you finally get into the lobby. You nod your head and smile at him as you get lost in his gorgeous eyes. The elevator has broken down so you had to use the stairs, you were really slow, and Niall ended up picking you up and carrying you to his room. He gave you a few ice packs and made sure you were okay before asking you out on a date. Due to fans not leaving the hotel entrance you ended up having to stay in his hotel room, it was good you got to meet the rest of the boys, plus had to share a bed with Niall, because the hotel was booked out. You and Niall are now engaged and owe it all to his fans.

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