Your Child walks in when you get into an argument

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Niall: You had gone out for the night with your friends, and left Niall at home with your son. You thought it would be good for them to bong a little even though he is only 4, and you needed a break, and needed time out with your friends, you also needed time away from Niall he had been so grumpy lately, and it was getting to you. You understood he was under stress, and was really tired but sometimes you just wanted him to take into consideration how you feel. You had just walked through the door after a late night out, you opened the door and walked in quietly. You took off your heals, and turned off the lights as you quietly went upstairs. You quickly checked on your son, and kissed his forehead, before walking into the room you and Niall shared. Niall was sitting on the bed, "hey Nailler" you said as you put your shoes away, he didn't respond, "Niall, what's wrong?" you ask as you get changed out of your dress. "Have a fun night?" he asks a little moody, "Yeah I did it was fun" you reply, "good I'm glad, why are you so late, who were you with?" "Niall what is this an interrogation?" "Who were you with?" "I was with my friends, geez, what has gotten into you lately, you're always so grumpy." you mumble, "Well maybe I wouldn't be so grumpy if my wife wasn't off partying into the early morning, and would tell me who she is going with instead of lying about it." Niall states starting an argument. "What the hell Niall!! I didn't lie to you, if you listened to me when I talk you would know who I went with, and I am allowed to go out once in a while, or are you the only one who gets to go out, have fun and come home in the early morning. I am home at 1, you don't get home until 3, 4 in the morning!!" You shout. "You never told me who you were going with, and fine I was worried about you being out so late." Niall yells back at you. "Niall I did tell you, don't even try. Okay I am sorry for being out so late, I didn't realize I married my mother." you hiss. Niall goes to say something, but the door creeks open and reviles your 4 year old. "Mummy, Daddy why are you fighting?" he asks holding his toy dinosaur, with tears in his eyes. "We aren't fighting buddy, go back to sleep." Niall answers nicely, "Yes you are you are both yelling at each other, did I do something?" He asks confused to what is happening and why it is happening. "No honey you didn't do anything wrong, everything is okay, come on back to bed." you sweetly say to your son as you pick him up and take him to his room. You reassure him and kiss his cheek before slipping him back into his bed. You watch him sleep from the door, and feel someone behind you. You turn around, "Y/N I am sorry, I was a jerk for how I acted and have been a jerk for the whole week, I am really sorry." Niall whispers, as you close the door. "Niall saying sorry isn't going to make me feel any better." you say. "Can we at least talk about it please?" he says, you nod and you both go back to your room. You sit on the bed and he follows. "i have been a jerk for the whole week, and really grumpy and tired and have been taking it out on you, I am really sorry I truly am. I am sorry that our son walked in on us arguing and thinks it is about him." Niall vents, "What about the part where you don't trust me and who I am out with and treat me like a child the one time I go out?" you continue to argue a little. "I was worried about you, I didn't mean to make you feel like I was treating you like a kid, I just, was worried that's all. It isn't that I don't trust you, its I don't trust everyone around you" "Niall you need to trust me, and you need to let me be me, just like you're allowed to stay out late so am I, and you don;t need to act like my mother." you state, "Princess I really am sorry and I don't know how to make it up to you. But I am sorry for making you feel like I treat you like a child, I am sorry for being grumpy and taking it out on you, for not being here when you need it most, and for making you think I don't trust you, I really am sorry." he lets out, before he lets a tear escape, and he takes his pillow and makes his way down stairs. You knew he was truly sorry, and went down after him, he was lying on the couch. "Niall, I forgive you, come on, come back to bed" you whisper kissing his cheek showing him that you forgive him.

Louis: You were putting your children to sleep, your daughter was too young to understand that her Dad couldn't put her to bed every night like she wanted, and always cried over it. "I want daddy." she kept crying and crying and crying. Your son on the other hand understood, although he missed Louis he understood and tried his best to make it easy for you. You finally manged to get your little girl asleep, and sat on the couch waiting for Louis to come home. He had said he was at the studio with the boys so decided to wait up for him. You were waiting and waiting and waiting, in the end you got sick of waiting and fell asleep on the couch. You felt Louis picking you up and carrying you to your room, you quickly wake up, "put me down!" you sternly state, he does what you command, "What's wrong?" he quickly asks, "where have you been?" "At the studio with the boys, and then we went out." "wow that's great Louis, hope you had fun." you sigh, and walk back downstairs, "What, I don't get it?" he says walking down after you, "that's the thing Louis you just don't get it." you hiss as you turn around to face him letting a tear escape your tiered eyes. "What are you on about y/n?" "Louis where have you been the past week?" you ask still in tears, "At the studio" he answers, "and how many times have you been home for dinner?" "uhh none, but that's not my fault." "Okay scrap the dinner part, how many times have you been home to put our kids to bed, and tell our daughter that there is nothing to be scared about when she wakes up crying?" you ask as more tears form and fall to the ground. "It isn't my fault, don't take it out on me, it isn't my decision!" Louis states getting mad, "I'm sorry Louis it is my fault isn't it, it is my fault that every night our daughter cries herself to sleep calling for you, but you are never here to stop her from crying, you're not here to tell her it is going to be okay!!" you say raising your voice. "I never said it was your fault" he says as he sits down and runs his fingers through his hair, "That's not how it sounded" "What do you want from me?" "I want you to be here for us, your kids, and me, the past few weeks I have felt that I have been in this relationship by myself. Do you know how heart breaking it is to not be able to stop our little girl from crying because all she wants is to spend time with her dad, and have her dad sing her to sleep but you aren't around" you say still crying. "I'm sorry y/n I'm sorry I'm not around" "Saying sorry might make me alittle better but it might not be as thoughtful to your kids." you say, then suddenly hear, "Why are you crying mummy?" your little girl asks rubbing her eyes as she walks down the stairs, then she sees Louis and runs to him and hugs him tightly. "Daddy why is mummy crying?" she asks, as she climbs off him and comes to yoyu, she hugs you to make you feel better. "Mummy's a little upset that's all, come on go up to bed and I will come and tuck you in." Louis sweetly says and she runs up stairs. "y/n I am sorry I will try to be here more, I am sorry you feel you are in this alone, but you aren't. I love you and our kids, and I will be here more I promise" "How do I know you're not just saying this?" you question, "Because I am taking the next 2 days off to spend time with my family." he says, "Really, you will actually take the days off and spend it with us?" "Yea I will, y/n I love you and our kids and I will do anything to make sure they are happy. I know sometimes I can get to occupied with the band and stuff, and I know it is hard, but I really am sorrry, I will try harder I promise." he says as he stands up and hugs you tightly, before kissing you. "Promise?" "Promise, come on lets go to bed and I need to tuck my baby girl in." Louis sweetly says and you both go upstairs, he tucks in your little girl, and sings her to sleep. "You're going to have to be around a lot more Louis." "I know I know, I know our kids miss me, and that you need me, and everything I know, and I hate the fact that our little girl heard us arguing and everything." "I know you are sorry Louis, I just don't like arguing, but sometimes it's the only we for us to tell each other how we feel." you sigh, "I know luv, I understand, come on." he whispers before kissing you passionately, and leading you to your room.

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