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Brendick: guess who's dead inside

Brendick: I'll give you a hint

Brendick: its me

Ryro: wrong

Ryro: its all of us

Spence: truuuuuu

Brendick: why do I feel like if someone actually said that it would sound like a cow

Spence: oh my god


Spence: I mean

Spence: maybe

Spence: like it depends on who's saying it

Ryro: no i think it would depend more on the context

Ryro: like if youre proved wrong and accept it and tell them it would sound like a cow

Ryro: but like say if you're complaining about something and someone says something to further it it would be more high pitched

Brendick: why do you gotta be so technical

Brendick: it either sounds like a cow or it doesn't

Ryro: but you need to have the technicalities because sometimes it would sound like q cow and sometimes it wouldn't

Brendick: oh

Brendick: my

Brendick: god

Spence: are you two seriously arguing over this

Ryro: yes

Spence: jesus

Spence: you guys fight over the stupidest shit

Spence: first its over Mario kart and now about how a cow sounds

Brendick: well sorry we're not problematic enough to have actual fights

Spence: hey remember that time you guys didn't talk for 2 weeks because ryans an overdramatic shit

Ryro: oof

Ryro: I suppose I am

Ryro: but at least I admit it

Brendick: took you long enough to do it

Ryro: ...yeah

Ryro: but I eventually did and that's what matters

Brendick: that's true

Ryro: when is anything I say ever wrong

Brendick: like at least 90% of the time

Ryro: oof

Ryro: I hate it when you're right

Brendick: so you always love me?

Ryro: yeah pretty much

Brendick: :)

Ryro: :)

Spence: *gag*

Brendick: oh fuck off

I realized last night that I tend to assume that everyone I know hates me unless they tell me otherwise or in some way make it blatantly obvious and I think its becoming a problem
Like half the people that are in the peter quotes shit storm I thought hated me at one point
Especially Charlie, and I don't know why
Like I just got that vibe off of him

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