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Brendick: ryan

Brendick: I think I found out why you're literally always tired

Ryro: is it because I don't get any sleep

Brendick: no

Ryro: are you sure

Ryro: cause I really think that's it

Brendick: no just listen ok

Brendick: its because

Brendick: being pretty is fucking exhausting

Ryro: huh

Ryro: you must always be wide awake then

Brendick: ok

Brendick: fuck off

Brendick: I have to at least look semi decent cause I made you gay

Ryro: uuummm

Ryro: no sweetie

Ryro: Gerard Way did

Brendick: I believe you mean my daddy

Ryro: no

Ryro: you kinky little shit

Ryro: I mean Gerard Way

Brendick: yeah

Brendick: so

Brendick: my daddy

Ryro: n o

Brendick: h e i s m y d a d d y

Jon???: I thought Ryan was your daddy

Brendick: I mean

Brendick: lowkey

Brendick: like ryan is just trying to be daddy

Brendick: Gerard is daddy

Jon???: uh huh

Jon???: makes absolutely no sense

Jon???: but ok

Ryro: wait Jon I didn't even know you were still alive what

Jon???: I wish I wasn't

Brendick: big mood

Jon???: no but I've lowkey been avoiding this chat entirely

Ryro: wow

Ryro: are you saying you don't like us

Jon???: that's exactly what I'm saying

Brendick: rude

Jon???: nah its cause too much weird shit goes on here

Brendick: prove it

Jon???: literally just re-read the conversation you two were just happening

Brendick: good point, good point

Jon???: and like pretty much every other conversation you've had

Ryro: you make a convincing argument my friend

Ryro: but I'm afraid I have to disagree

Jon???: well then

Jon???: fuck you too

Jon???: bitch

So in my Latin class we always have quote of the day, and usually they're really deep and philosophical but yesterdays was "Any pizza is a personal pizza if you're really determined" and Wednesdays was "All that glitters is gold"

Y'all the end of the Wednesdays episode of riverdale
I'm not gonna say anything in case any of you who watch it havent seen it but
W h a t t h e f u c k

So we've been getting a fuck ton of snow lately, and for those of you that don't live with this struggle, its a pain in the ass to change from boots to school shoes, and its an even bigger pain in the ass to get snow in your school shoes
So the lovely Peter has started wearing these boots that look like something that fits in our dress code on the bottom, but under his pants is the rest of the boot
And it honestly wouldn't be obvious at all if he didn't buy pants a size too small so he can be edgy
They're khakis, Peter, not skinny jeans
But anyways
This kid may be on to something

It wouldn't exactly work for most of the girls cause of the skirts
But for the few girls that wear pants
Its gonna work just fine

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