zero: happy anniversary

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zero: happy anniversary

"Happy anniversary, darling." Niall says, leaning across the table to place the softest of kisses to Harry's lips. The action brings a smile to the younger boys face as Niall pulls away, sitting back down in his seat. Harry places his hand on top of the table, smiling even brighter when Niall takes it and gives it a tight squeeze. 

"Hard to believe it's been three years already..." Harry says, earning a soft laugh from Niall before he nods. It was hard to believe that they'd been together for five years now and married for three. It still felt like just yesterday that Niall was standing nervously across from Harry in front of all their friends and family, getting ready to commit to the beautiful green eyed lad for the rest of his life. It was the best decision Niall ever made though, his life with Harry pretty much what he'd always pictured. Sure, they had their differences every once in a while, but for the most part they were happy. 

And that was all that mattered to Niall. 

"So, what do you want for our anniversary anyways? You never told me." Niall asks, grabbing his fork before he finally takes a bite of the food Harry had spent half the day making. Harry liked cooking, trying out new recipes every chance he got while Niall still struggled to make toast right. Harry is hesitant with his answer, biting down on his lip as he pushes his own food around on his plate because he wasn't quite sure how to ask Niall this.

So he doesn't. 

"Nothing, really... I've got everything I need right here." Harry manages to get out, smiling tightly at Niall who quirks an eyebrow at Harry because that was a first. Five years together and not once had Harry said he didn't want a gift. Harry didn't need anything extravagant, the gifts he usually requested from Niall being simple little things. Last year he'd asked Niall for just a simple night in where all they did was cuddle on the couch and watch movies. 

His gifts were always simple, but this time Harry wanted something that was a little more complicated than a night in on the couch. 

"You sure? Nothings off the table, babe." Niall says, clearly trying to get an answer out of his husband. Harry bites down on his lip again, wishing it was as simple as saying four words. 

I want a baby.

"I'm sure, babe. Life is perfect and I don't need anything." Harry says, but Niall's still giving him a look which Harry tries to ignore as he picks at his food. 

"Well I still think we should do something besides hanging out the in the flat... I'm sorry that we couldn't get reservations Murano like you wanted, that was my bad with being so busy at the station..." Niall trails off, suddenly feeling very guilty even though it wasn't entirely his fault. Harry had only mentioned wanting to go to Murano for their anniversary a few days ago as an after thought, Niall of course wanting to make their anniversary perfect tried to get reservations only to find out they were booked... Harry didn't appear to be disappointed but Niall felt like he was. 

"Ni, it's okay. I don't need the fancy restaurant or the extravagant gifts.  I just need you and I've got you." Harry says, giving Niall's hand another squeeze but Niall still feels like something is off. 

"Okay... Are you sure though? You'd... You'd tell me if there was something bothering you, right?" Niall asks and Harry smiles softly at his husband. He was used to this, to Niall's small insecurities just as Niall was used to his. 

"I'm sure, Ni." 

"Okay. I love you." Niall says, looking at Harry with a slight vulnerability in his eyes that tugs at Harry's heart just a little. He could just picture a baby with those same eyes and he hated how badly he wanted that. 

"I love you too... Now eat up so we can move onto desert." Harry says, earning a nod from Niall before he finally starts to eat and they fall into  comfortable silence. They were halfway through dinner when Harry finds himself asking the one question he didn't know the answer to, the younger of the two not even bothering to look up from his plate when he asks it. 

"So uh... How... How do you feel about kids?" Harry asks, pushing his green beans towards the corner of his plate. Niall looks up, a confused expression on his face. 

"What do you mean?" Niall asks, leaning back in his chair as he continues to look at his husband. 

"Do you uh... Do you want kids?" Harry asks and Niall pales, his throat going dry and Harry honestly thought the older boy was about to pass out. 

"Fuck, you're pregnant... Shit... Shit, I knew it was too risky. I fucking kne-" Niall starts, clearly panicked and Harry is quick to stop him before he enters a full on freak out. 

"No, no... I'm not pregnant, Ni. I was just... Never mind. It's not... It doesn't matter. It's stupid." Harry says, trying not to feel bitter about the relieved expression on Niall's face. 

It was no secret to Harry that Niall didn't want kids. 

Just like it was no secret to Niall that Harry did. 

It was their biggest issue and after three years... Harry was getting tired of waiting. 


yes. i posted a new story when i have 2348032984 others to complete.

yes. i hate myself.

no. i can't promise regular updates. 

feedback is chill af, guys... and i really like this one so like i'm excited. 




connie xx 

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