one: a little bit of effort

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one: a little bit of effort

"So, how was the anniversary?" Liam, one of Harry's closest friends, asks the next afternoon as the both of them hang out in the teacher's lounge during lunch. Harry was a year two teacher while Liam taught year three, so they spent quite a bit of time together. Liam was married to Zayn, Niall's old roommate from college, and the couple were expecting their first child any day now. Harry wasn't jealous of course, it wasn't like Niall and he got married before Liam and Zayn or anything... 

"It was good... We uh... We had a good time." Harry says, taking a sip from his mug of tea before he clears his throat. The truth was that it hadn't been all that great, after Harry had brought up kids, Niall got really weird. Harry tried to get him to talk about it, but it only ended with Niall getting even weirder and eventually Harry just gave up. 

"What'd you guys do? Zayn was saying you were getting reservations at Murano or something like that." 

"Niall tried to, but they were booked for last night so we ended up staying at home. I cooked one of Niall's favorite meals and then we spent the rest of the night just... doing anniversary related things." Harry says, lying a little unless of course someone counted sitting in silence for almost the entire evening an anniversary related thing. 

"Maybe that's what Zayn and I will do this year, he hasn't really been feeling up to doing anything these past few weeks besides walking from the bed to the bathroom." Liam says, a frown finding it's way onto his face as Harry gives him a sympathetic look. 

"Still on bed rest, then?" Harry asks, earning a nod from Liam. 

"Yeah. It's the last month, but it's really taking a toll on Zayn. He really hates being cooped up, you know? And I don't know how to help him because everything I do seems to just make him mad... so I wanna make our anniversary one to remember... being since it's our last one with just the two of us." Liam says, letting out a sigh as he puts his now empty mug on the counter. He leans against it, folding his arms over his chest as Harry gives him a sympathetic smile. 

"Do you have any ideas?" Harry asks, not really sure how he was going to help Liam but that didn't mean he wasn't going to try. As Harry waits for Liam to share his ideas, his phone vibrates in his back pocket. 

From: Hubby <3 Received: 12:04 pm 

hey babe, sorry about last night. wanna go out tonight to make up for it? 

Harry lets out a dramatic sigh, figuring he'd reply after school was over because in that moment he didn't really want to go out that night. It was a typical Niall move though, trying to make up for simple little fights or arguments by doing extravagant things that honestly didn't need to be done. 

"I'm thinking I'll just rent his favorite movies, get take out from that Chinese place he likes so much, massage his feet or something, make sure he's comfortable... He'll like that, right?" Liam asks, looking at his friend hopefully and Harry does his best to smile.

"Yeah, I'm sure he'll love that. I think I'm gonna head back to the classroom, get ready for the afternoon lesson and what not... Let me know how it goes with Zayn." Harry says, not even bothering to wait for Liam to say anything before he walks out of the teachers lounge. His classroom was at the end of the hall, the room still empty as lunch had about another fifteen minutes before it was over. Harry goes straight to his desk, collapsing down into his chair before he puts his head in his hands. 

He shouldn't let it bother him, he shouldn't be so hung up on Niall's reaction to a simple question because that's what it was... a simple question. 

How do you feel about kids? 

Clearly not very well, but Harry had known that... Harry didn't get it though, Niall liked kids... He was always so great with Harry's students when he'd come and visit and Harry thought that maybe after Liam and Zayn had announced their little surprise, Niall would be more open to the idea. 

But he wasn't and Harry was having a hard time coming up with excuses as to why. Harry understood when they first got married, they were young, they were still trying to figure out who they were... and Harry understood why after their second anniversary when they had a scare, even Harry wasn't ready then... Harry was ready now though, he had been ever since Liam and Zayn showed up at their house to give them the news. 

So why wasn't Niall? 

From: Hubby <3 Received: 12:13 pm 

got the reservation at Murano like you wanted, Lou says we owe him one but I'm thinking we'll just get him a bottle of that scotch he likes so much. I should be done at the station around five, do you want to meet me there or would you prefer me to pick you up? 

And Harry lets out yet another sigh, running a hand through his hair because the last thing he wanted to do was go out... 

But Niall was trying and Harry had to be happy with that. 



This story reached 100 votes in like three days and that hasn't happened since the Shiver  days... (we're talking two, almost three years ago(holy fucking shit, i want to cry... i'm so old and so are those books...)) SO I'M SUPER HAPPY THAT WE ALL HAVE A SHARED INTEREST IN THIS BOOK WHICH MAKES ME WANT TO UPDATE IT EVEN MORE!

I'm starting an update schedule also and this story should be updated on Tuesday and Saturday nights (if I actually accomplish using it lol) annnnnnnnnd any other night when I finish the planned story for said night lol. 

So yeah!

Dedication goes to kayftnarry




connie xx 

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