forty-four: dancing in a living room

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the song that narry dances to is in the multimedia... you can listen as you read if you want but the chapter probably doesn't line up with the song cause i suck lol. 

forty-four: dancing in a living room

"Niall, careful." Harry scolds as he helps his husband up the stairs to their apartment the best he could. Niall was being as stubborn as usual, wanting to do everything himself but Harry wasn't going to allow that. Niall knows it's simply because Harry's worried about him, Niall didn't blame him... but Niall wasn't going to give up his independence just for that instance. They already had a baby to fret over, Niall didn't want to add to Harry's burden. 

But Kian was over at Anne's for the night, taking away Niall's main excuse as to why Harry couldn't take care of him. So Niall humors his husband the best he can, leaning against Harry as he helps him up the stairs. He smiles softly at Harry once they reach their home, following Harry in. Niall stops in the living room, taking in the surroundings with a smile on his face. Harry is in the kitchen as Niall walks towards their stereo, turning it on for the first time in what felt like years. The familiar sounds of one of Harry's favorite songs starts drifting through the small flat after a few seconds, the sound summoning Harry into the room. Niall hadn't hear this song in nearly three years, a smile on his face when he catches sight of Harry. 

"What are you doing?" Harry asks as Niall walks over to him, taking one of Harry's hands to rest on Niall's shoulder and holding the other in his own. Carefully, Niall wraps an arm around Harry's waist, slowly starting to sway to the music as Harry looks at him like he'd lost his mind. 

"I'm making you dance with me, what does it look like I'm doing?" Niall returns, chuckling softly when Harry glares at him. 

"Since when have you danced?" Harry asks as Niall starts to hum along, moving them around in a small circle because that was all Niall really knew. 

"I wouldn't classify this as dancing, per say." Niall says quietly, keeping Harry close. Niall didn't know what it was, he didn't know why he was feeling the way that he was... he just knew that he needed to keep Harry close, as close as he could because he was so scared of what would happen if he let go. Niall knew it was silly to think that, especially considering that his father was behind bars and Harry was still here despite knowing the situation. Niall was waiting for Harry to say it though, despite everything. 

It was just what Niall did. 

"Are you doing okay?" Harry asks after a minute passes, looking at his husband the best he can as they continue to sway. Niall had that checked out look on his face, one that told Harry he was overthinking something. Almost eight years together and Harry could read Niall like an open book. Niall lets out a sigh, nodding his head even though he wasn't quite convinced himself. 

"Yes. Right now, I am doing just fine." 

"You don't lo-" Harry starts, but Niall kisses him before he gets very far with it. Niall pulls away after a few seconds, resting his forehead on Harry's. 

"Let's just dance, H. We can talk about how fine I am in the morning, but right now... I just want to hold you like this. Is that okay?" Niall asks, the slight tinge of emotion in his voice enough to make Harry back down. He still watches his husband with a concerned expression, but he doesn't say anything else. Instead he lets Niall hold him close, swaying softly to the music before he rests his head onto Niall's chest. 

Harry had always felt at home in Niall's arms, the steady sound of his heart beat meeting with the rifts of a guitar somehow the most comforting sound to Harry. It was a small reminder that he'd almost lost this, if things had gone differently... Niall wouldn't be standing in their living room, singing along ever so softly to the song. Harry wouldn't have his husband anymore, Kian would've grown up without a father, both of those things that Niall would've never wanted... but yet it almost happened. 

"Niall?" Harry whispers after another moment passes, pulling away from his husband's chest to look him in the eyes. 

"Yeah, H?" 

"Do you think you could promise me something?" Harry asks, Niall stopping their swaying at the mere seriousness in Harry's voice. 

"Course... Anything you want." Niall says, letting go of Harry's hand to brush a lock of hair behind his husband's ear. His fingers brush across Harry's cheek as he pulls his hand away, Harry's heart fluttering at the simple touch. Harry's got so many different things he wants for Niall to promise, but in the end it only boiled down to one.

"Promise me you won't leave." He says, feeling vulnerable in that moment despite the fact he knew that Niall would agree with no hesitation. They had once been so broken, to the point where they didn't even recognize themselves... but together, they'd fixed those pieces, putting them back together one by one. They'd grown together and the idea of ever losing that other half was terrifying enough to where Harry still felt like he needed a promise. 

Niall looks at his husband for a moment, his green eyes shining in the soft light coming in through the windows. Niall sees all the pain, all the trails that they'd been through as they stand in that living room. Niall knew his answer, without a doubt. He leans in for another kiss, this one lasting longer than the last as the song slowly starts to fade out. 

"I promise." 




that's um. 

it's cheesy. 

and i'm like 90% okay with this chapter. it's not what i pictured but it works. 

also. not that you guys are honestly going to be this surprised, but there's now going to be a sequel to this story cause i hate myself and can't help it. so uh... here's the cover. don't have the description ready quite yet, but it'll be ready by the time i finish this story (i'm hoping tomorrow, but who knows)

 don't have the description ready quite yet, but it'll be ready by the time i finish this story (i'm hoping tomorrow, but who knows)

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dedication goes to Nameless_Sam




connie xx 

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