twenty-one: a beating heart

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twenty-one: a beating heart

"Niall... babe... if you don't get up, we're gonna be late." Harry whispers into his husband's ear a few days later, kissing his husband's cheek as he rolls completely out of the bed. Niall lets out a sigh, clenching his eyes shut before he finally opens them. It was a Saturday and Niall just wanted to sleep in, but Harry had gotten a rather early morning appointment with the doctor to get a check up on their baby. Niall was excited of course, this was the first time he'd get to hear the heartbeat. 

"Why'd you book such an early appointment?" Niall grumbles, rolling onto his back so he has a perfect view of his husband's half naked body. Harry didn't like sleeping fully nude, but he never really settled on what section he preferred to be uncovered. Lately Harry only went to bed wearing over sized t-shirts or sweaters, more than likely wanting to keep his baby bump covered as it still made him weird when Niall acknowledged it. Niall found it cute though. 

"Because it was the only appointment they had available unless we wanted to wait two more weeks. Now c'mon, the sooner we get there, the better." Harry says, reaching into the dresser for a pair of pants. Niall watches him for a moment before letting out a dramatic sigh as he finally gets out of the bed, walking over to his own dresser. 

"Okay... but as soon as we get back home, I'm taking a nap." Niall says.

"Actually... We're supposed to go over to Liam's after... " Harry says, giggling a little when Niall swears. They start getting ready after that, Harry letting out a huff as he struggles with the button. Niall sees his husband struggling, walking over there to help him only to have Harry swat his hands away. 

"I got it." Harry says and Niall throws up his hands in defense as he leaves Harry alone. Once they're both ready, Niall is the one who drives to the hospital. Harry is playing with his hands nervously, biting on his lip and Niall catches onto it. He holds out his hand, smiling softly when Harry slips one of his into it. 

"You okay?" Niall asks, giving the hand a soft squeeze. 

"Just nervous..." Harry admits, smiling softly at Niall as he pulls into the parking lot. 

"Everything will be fine, H. Now c'mon, we're gonna be late." Niall says, winking before he climbs out of the car. Harry lets out a shaky sigh before he follows, grabbing Niall's hand as they walk into the hospital. They don't stay in the waiting room for long once they reach it, a nurse calling Harry's name pretty much the moment they sat down. Harry holds Niall's hand the entire time, his grip getting tighter when the doctor came in.

"Welcome back, Mr. Styles. I trust you're feeling well?" She asks, looking up from her clipboard as she sits down on her little chair. Harry gives her a tight smile before nodding, Niall giving Harry's hand another squeeze despite how hard Harry was already holding it. 

"Yeah... Feel great." Harry says, nodding before biting on his lip. 

"How's the nausea?" She asks, rolling up so she's sitting directly between Harry and an ultrasound machine. She indicates for Harry to lay on his back which he does of course, feeling even more nervous if that was possible. 

"It's better... I don't get it every day, but it hasn't exactly gone away." Harry says, earning a nod from his doctor. 

"He's mostly getting it after breakfast, especially if it's anything more than just toast. He's not doing too well with eggs." Niall says, Harry's nose scrunching up at the mention of the food. 

"I don't believe we've met yet, I'm Doctor Sinclair." She says, holding out her hand out for Niall to shake which he does. 

"Niall Horan, I'm the baby daddy." Niall says, winking at Harry who lets out a snort as he smacks Niall's chest with his free hand. Doctor Sinclair lets out a laugh though, shaking her head as she squeezes some gel onto Harry's stomach. 

"So with your last appointment, I figured you were about twelve weeks along due to the information we gathered..." She says, a little distracted as she runs a small wand against Harry's skin. Harry and Niall both have their eyes glued to the screen, Harry's grib on Niall's hand still tight enough that Niall was certain he was losing blood flow. It's a little too quiet in the room, Harry's heart picking up pace as there was no sound of the baby's heart beat. Before he gets the chance to freak out though, the familiar rapid thump filled the room and Harry's shoulders sag in relief. 

"And being since that was two weeks ago, we were spot on. Fourteen weeks and everything looks absolutely great. Growth is on the right path and that heart beat sounds perfect." Sinclair says, turning to look at Harry and Niall with a smile. 

"Boy or girl?" Niall asks, his voice coming out awestruck because that was his baby. He still couldn't believe that was his baby.... their baby.  

"It's a bit soon to tell, but by the next appointment I'll be able to tell you guys if you'd like to know." Sinclair says, but neither of the boys were really paying attention at that point. They were in a trance, listening to the wonderful sound of their baby's heart beat. 

It was a sound Niall would never forget and a sound that Harry could listen to forever. 


lol, this wasn't the jump forward chapter. 

that's next chapter. 

i cry. 

anyways, thanks for like 2k+ on this story. it makes me giddy fam bam. 

qotc: lol, guess who doesn't have a question? 

dedication goes to NarryMahone




connie xx 

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