seven: the cold shoulder

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seven: the cold shoulder

"Harry, I'm so-" Niall starts as soon as they walk into their flat only to have Harry blow him off, the younger of the two going straight to their bedroom and slamming the door. The sound echoes through the flat, Niall flinching at it before he runs his hands through his hair. Harry didn't say a single word to Niall the entire car ride home, he wouldn't even look at Niall or acknowledge him when he would try to start conversation.

Harry didn't even wait for Niall to put the car into the park before he climbed out, practically sprinting to their door while Niall scrambled after him. Harry was faster though, walking through the front door and leaving it wide open as Niall tries to catch his breath at the base of the stairs. Harry had locked the bedroom door almost instantly, leaving Niall standing in their hallway feeling like an idiot. 

"H, baby... Please open the door? I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." Niall says softly through the door, over and over again to the point that even he's sick of hearing it. Harry doesn't open the door though and Niall lets out a sigh as he leans against it, sliding down until he's on the floor. He didn't know what he was going to do, he didn't know what he was going to say to make it all okay again... 

He didn't know how to make Harry understand. 

Niall somehow falls asleep against the door, waking up to the feeling of his head hitting the floor when Harry opens it the next morning. Harry doesn't even acknowledge him, stepping over him and heading towards their kitchen. Niall scrambles up from his spot on the floor, letting out a groan at how sore all of his muscles feel but he doesn't dwell on that. He's more concerned about Harry who was making breakfast by the sounds of it. Niall isn't sure what's going to happen as he walks into the kitchen, standing a little ways away from his husband who's slamming shut the cupboards and grumbling to himself. He catches Niall's gaze, but he looks away quickly before going back to grabbing out a coffee mug. He slams shut that cupboard too, not caring how it echoes through the flat. 

It always did that, Harry could hear every little sound in the stupid flat and he hated it. He hated how deafening the silence was when Niall worked late, when it was just him. Niall never had to deal with that because Harry was always home, Niall didn't know how bad it got when he'd go away on business trips or just decided to crash at Louis' because he didn't want to drive home that night. Niall didn't know and Harry had gone three years without saying anything. 

"So... are you just going to pretend like I'm not here or?" Niall asks, taking another step into the kitchen as Harry opens up the fridge for the coffee creamer. Harry wasn't much of a coffee person, only drinking it when he didn't sleep well the night before... and he hadn't slept at all. Niall on the other hand seemed to have no problem falling asleep, which in turn only made the younger even angrier. Harry shuts the fridge rather forcibly, placing the creamer on the kitchen counter as the coffee pot starts to beep. 

"Look, I'm sorry about... I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to make you angry." Niall says, watching as Harry rather wearily as he reaches for the coffee pot. Harry pours himself a cup, still refusing to even acknowledge Niall. 

"Jesus, H. Will you just talk to me? I know you're upset but how the hell am I going to fix it if you won't even look at me?" Niall demands and Harry lets out a snort, shaking his head as he goes to take a sip of his coffee. It doesn't make him feel any better and Niall staring at him wasn't helping either. So Harry makes a point of looking at Niall, his glare making Niall shift on his feet nervously. 

"I'm sorry about last night." Niall says again and Harry lets out a sigh before he shakes his head. 

"That's not why I'm angry, Niall." Harry says and Niall pretends like he doesn't know the reason. 

"Why then?" Niall asks and Harry puts the mug back down on the counter rather harshly, the liquid inside nearly spilling out and Niall was surprised the mug hadn't broken. 

"You should't have to ask, Niall. You know why I'm angry and I'm so sick... I'm just really done with your bullshit excuses. Why won't you have a baby with me?" Harry asks, trying to keep his voice steady but in that moment all he felt like doing was crying. He was just frustrated with Niall and the way he's looking at him with a blank expression. 

"Harry... It's... It's not that I don't want to have a baby with you, it's... I just... I don't want a baby." Niall says, swallowing the lump in his throat that had formed as he says it. The look on Harry's face was making Niall's heart beat a little faster, the fear that this was it... that this was the defining moment in their relationship hitting him in full force. 

"Why? What's so wrong with having a baby?" Harry asks, placing his hands down on the counter as he stares at Niall intensely. Niall takes in a deep breath, running a hand through his hair and tugging at it slightly as he does so. 

"What if... What if I screw up? What if they end up hating me and I... and I screw them up like my parents screwed me up? I can't.... I won't..." Niall can't speak anymore, the words no longer coming out like he wanted and all he can do is hope that Harry understands. 

"Niall... you aren't like them and I know.. I know that you're scared, but I just... I haven't asked for much in our five years and this... this is something that I really want, something that I think we'll be great for us. So could you please just give it a shot? For me?" Harry asks, keeping his voice soft and he reaches across the counter for Niall's hand. Niall hesitates before he takes it, giving it a soft squeeze before nodding. 

"Okay... For you..." 


yooooooooooooooo, double update cause screw finishing Picture Perfect and updating sowk cause i just suck like that. 

also cause i'm just super hyper and don't want to sleep. THIS IS WHY I DON'T SOCIALIZE CAUSE FUCK IT'S ALMOST MIDNIGHT AND I JUST GOT HOME. I just wrote majority of the chapter before I left lol.


dedication goes to payneinmyzayn




connie xx 

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