eight: talk show advice

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eight: talk show advice

"So, how'd talking to Harry go?" Louis asks the next morning, sipping at his cup of tea between commercial breaks. Niall looked exhausted, currently on his third cup of coffee and it wasn't even ten yet. The day was already dragging out, Niall wishing more than anything that he'd just called in because he just couldn't stay awake. 

"It went... well, I suppose? I mean, we're uh... we're gonna start trying for a baby?" Niall says quietly, refusing to even look at Louis as he says. Niall was still trying to figure out how it happened, how he'd gone from telling Harry there was just no way in hell he'd have a baby to agreeing to try. 

Trying meant having and having a baby... The thought alone made Niall  a little sick to his stomach. He didn't know why he agreed, maybe it was because he was just terrified that if he didn't... Harry would walk out that front door and never come back. Niall didn't want that, so he did what he thought would work. He said yes... 

"Whoa... That's uh... What happened to the whole anti-baby campaign you were on yesterday?" Louis asks, leaning back in his chair as he watches Niall. Niall lets out a shaky sigh, running a hand through his hair before he just shrugs. 

"Liam and Zayn had their baby, as you know... and well, we mad a bet about the gender... Our usual wager of sex wherever we wanted... Harry chose the office and I... well doesn't matter where I picked cause Harry won.... so we came here and we were about to do it-" 

"Niall, I really don't need a play by play." Louis interrupts, earning an eye roll from Niall as he continues with his story. 

"I went to go grab the condom only to find out that somebody took that last one. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you, Lou?" Niall asks, glaring at his best friend who gives him a nervous smile. 


"Bastard... Anyways, I told Harry that we shouldn't risk it and that we should just head home... He got mad, like really mad, probably the maddest I've ever seen him... He flat out refused to talk to me, locked himself in the bedroom for the entire night... He still wouldn't talk to me this morning, refused to even look at me for the first little while and then... I told him the truth, you know? About how I'm scared I'll end up like my parents, how I'll fuck our kid up like my parents fucked me up... and Harry he uh... He did that thing he always does, you know? Where he just makes everything seem better by simply wrapping his arms around me... and in that moment, I guess I realized that it was just... it was pointless to keep denying him the thing he wants. So... I gave in." Niall says, his voice trailing off and going into a whisper because he still couldn't believe it. 

They were going to try... 

"Wow... That's uh... Wow." Louis is at a lose for words, staring at his friend with wide eyes because he didn't think Niall would give in that easy. Sure, Harry's been trying to wear Niall down on the baby thing since Zayn announced his own pregnancy... but Louis was still surprised. 

"Yeah... I'm still a bit surprised myself... But if... if having a baby is what it takes to make Harry happy, then I guess I have little choice in the matter." Niall says, his voice still quiet as he starts to play with the spoon in his coffee mug.

"You're kinds treading on thin ice with that attitude though... You're making it sound like having a baby is the worst thing to ever happen or something." Louis points out and Niall lets out a groan as he puts his head in his hands.

"I know.. But I just, I can't bring myself to be happy about it, you know? Like just thinking about it right now is making me feel sick... But I have to be happy about it, for Harry's sake and I'm fucking trying." Niall says, clenching his eyes shut as he takes in a very shaky breath. He could just picture it now, Harry over the moon excited as he plans out a romantic evening that would end in Niall's current worst nightmare.

Unprotected sex which of course went to his next nightmare... a baby.

"You really need to be talking to Harry about this..."

"And say what? 'Yeah, I know I said we could try this morning but the mere idea of even trying for a baby makes me physically ill and I really dont think we should.' That'll end just dandy, Lou. Thanks for the suggestion." Niall says bitterly, yelping in pain when Louis kicks his shin.

"Don't be a dick, Niall."

"We wouldn't even be having this conversation if you hadn't stolen my condoms." Niall says, glaring at Louis while rubbing his shin. Louis simply just rolls his eyes, shaking his head a little before he speaks again.

"Just talk to your husband. If you do it, I'll buy you another box." Louis says, turning to the microphone as the commercial break ends. Niall isn't really listening to what Louis is saying, too busy dealing with his inner panic because Louis was right.

He had to talk to Harry.


Amnnnd there's chapter 8. Partayyyyyyyyy

Don't have much to say tonight cause I'm tired af and it took me two days to write this chapter lol

How do you guys think Niall's conversation with Harry will go?

Dedication goes to AbbiOfficial_




Connie xx

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