fourteen: stuck

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fourteen: stuck

"And hello to you too, Assface." Gemma says on the other line, surprising Niall for a moment. He takes his phone off his ear to see if he'd accidentally called Gemma, but it was definitely Harry's number on his screen. 

"Where's Harry?" Niall asks, running a hand through his hair before shivering a little as a breeze hits him. 

"He doesn't want to talk to you right now." Gemma says and Niall lets out a sigh. 

"Well I want to talk to him, so please put him on the phone." Niall says, scrapping his shoe on the crub before he sits down. He was waiting until he sobered up before he drove the thirty minutes it would take to get to Gemma's. 

"Why?" Gemma asks and Niall puts his head in his free hand. On any other day, Niall absolutely adored Gemma but in that moment he just really wished she'd shut up. 

"Because I fucked up, Gemma. I'm sure he's told you all about it, so please just... I need to talk to him and tell him how sorry I am." Niall says quietly, clenching his eyes shut and taking in a deep breath. 

"You really think apologizing over the phone is the way to do it?" Gemma asks and Niall throws his hand up in the air. It was moments like these where Niall had no doubt in his mind that Gemma and Harry were siblings. 

"I know it's not going to just magically fix the entire situation, Gemma. It's a start, so please put him on the phone. I know he's there, I can hear him." Niall says, trying his best not to sound annoyed but he honestly just wanted to talk to Harry right now, not his sister. 

"He already said he doesn't want to talk to you, so maybe you should respect his wishes." Gemma says and Niall can't help the groan that escapes him now.

"Gemma, please." Niall whispers, putting his head in his free hand again. It's quiet on Gemma's end for a moment and Niall thinks she actually hung up on him. 

"I really don't want to talk to you right now." Harry's voice surprises Niall, making the older sit up straighter and clear his throat. It had been several days since he'd heard Harry's voice and in just that second, he realizes just how badly he missed him. 

"I know... I know... but I just... I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry... I'm sorry for how much of a dick I've been these past few days, I should've been more understanding of what you wanted and I get it now... I want the baby, I want our family..." Niall says, cringing a little due to the fact that it all sounded so much better in his head. 

"Do you? Or are you just saying that because now you don't have a choice?" Harry asks and Niall shakes his head quickly, standing up from the curb.

"I do have a choice, H. I have a choice to be happy about the fact that we're having  baby or be bitter about it and end up like my own parents. I don't... I don't want that for our kid. I'm sorry that I've been so against it and that it took you actually getting pregnant for me to realize what an ass I was being. So can you please just come home? I'd much rather talk to you about this there than outside of a bar while you're thirty minutes away." Niall says, not even thinking about it until Harry takes in a sharp breath. Niall's drinking had always been a problem since back before they were even together. Niall did it to forget and as the years passed, it took a few more than just one to reach that point.

"Harry..." Niall starts, having realized his mistake although it was a few seconds too late.

"You promised you'd stop." Is all Harry says, but it was still enough to shake Niall to his very core because it was true. He had promised and now he's just adding yet another rock to the pile he was already buried in.

"I know... I'm sorry." Niall whispers, closing his eyes only to snap them back open as he pictures the disappointed look Harry was more than likely giving out.

"I think it's best if we spend some time away from each other. I think you have some shit you need to work out and I... I need to figure out some things myself." Harry says, his voice barely over a whisper and Niall swears that he sounds like he's about to cry.

"H, we can't just sweep it all under the rug and pretend like it's not there. We need to talk this out." Niall says just as quietly, biting his lip as he glances at the closed door behind him. He wanted to go back in there, but he already knew how that would end.

"I know we do, but right now I need space. I need to get my head straight and I think you do too. It'll just be for a few days..." Harry trails off like that makes Niall feel any better about the situation. This wasn't how things were supposed to be. They were supposed to be happy...

"Okay... if space... if space is what you need, then I'll give you space." Niall whispers, swallowing the lump in his throat because this was the opposite of what he wanted.

"I love you, Niall. You know that right?" Harry asks and Niall lets out a shaky breath before he nods.

"Yeah... I love you too, H."


Whoopity whoop that's chapter fourteeeeeen.

These boys just seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place, sure aren't moving anywhere lol.

And look at me only taking two days to update! Granted this is the only story I've really updated, but the other ones are just adding to my stress so we'll probably stick with this one cause it's actually helping lol.

Dedication goes to Leonies2




Connie xx

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