eighteen: a house filled with love

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eighteen: a house filled with love

"Your mum does realize we're coming right?" Niall asks, looking over at his husband with a curious expression as Harry rings the doorbell for the second time. They stand awkwardly on Anne's front doorstep, waiting for Harry's mother to answer her front door. 

"I texted her this morning but she didn't respond... Maybe she's just running late?" Harry offers up, getting ready to ring the door bell for the third time only to jump when his mother throws open the door. She looks a little flustered but that expression fades when she sees her son standing in front of her. She's quick to throw her arms around him in a tight hug as she felt like it had been weeks since she'd last seen him. 

"Hello to you too, Mum." Harry says softly, laughing a little when she pulls away only to pull Niall into a hug. Niall lets out a squeak of surprise, not having grown accustomed to Anne's tight hugs even though he'd been with Harry for over five years. Niall didn't grow up in a home where physical affection was a thing, the most Niall had ever received was his father patting him on his shoulder until Niall started to date Harry.  It had been a complete culture shock for him when he first met Harry's family, in more ways than one. 

"Come on in you two. I was just finishing up dinner." Anne says after letting go of Niall. Niall clears his throat as they all walk in, scratching the back of his head as he felt a little awkward. Niall was still growing used to the Styles family, feeling out of place despite how much Anne said she adored him. 

"I hope that you boys are good with lasagna." Anne says as they walk further into the house, Harry walking beside his mother into the kitchen while Niall hangs back in the living room. He can hear the two of them talking away in the kitchen, but Niall doesn't want to be apart of the conversation. 

He's more interested in the photos adorning Anne's living room. There was no doubt in Niall's mind that Harry grew up in a home filled with love, the pictures alone enough to prove that fact to Niall. Niall's mum only had three pictures of Niall and he wouldn't even get started on his father. He was almost certain his father didn't have a single photo of Niall, that would require them being on speaking terms. 

"Ni? You okay?" Harry calls out, causing his husband to jump a little at the sound as he hadn't realized he'd spaced out. Niall clears his throat again before he finally walks into the kitchen, plastering on a smile. He was still feeling nervous, unsure of how Anne was going to react to the news of a baby on the way... They'd been married for three years and Anne loved kids just as much as Harry did... She had to be happy, right? 

"Yeah, sorry... I had to look at your graduation picture again. I still can't believe your hair was that curly." Niall says, earning a soft laugh from Harry. 

"Babe, you met me when my hair was that curly. You should've seen it when I was sixteen." Harry says, pretending to shiver as if the memory alone haunted him. 

"Yeah, but you started growing it out right after we met. I only saw the curls for a few weeks." Niall points out, sitting down next to Harry and throwing an arm around his shoulder. Harry rests his head against Niall for a second, letting out a content sigh as Niall runs his fingers through his hair. 

"I can't say I really miss the curls... They were a nightmare to manage." Harry says softly, Niall letting out a laugh before nodding in agreement. 

"Hopefully our kid doesn't get blessed with those curls." Niall says, not even thinking about it until there's a loud gasp followed by the clattering of pans. Both Harry and Niall look up to meet Anne's gaze, smiling sheepishly. 

"There's gonna be a baby?" She asks, her voice shaking a little which Niall took as a bad sign. He'd grown up in a home where shaky voices meant that yelling was just about to start. Niall's flinching into Harry's side, trying his best to keep calm. 

"Surprise, you're gonna be a grandma." Harry says, smiling brightly as his mother lets out a very loud squeal. Harry knew that his mother would be excited, she had been wanting grandchildren since Gemma graduated from Uni nearly three years ago and Harry got engaged.

"Congratulations, to both of you! A baby is such an exciting thing, when are you due?" Anne asks, leaning across the kitchen counter with a bright grin on her face. Harry could see the excitement in his mother's eyes. 

"Sometime in May." Harry says, smiling just as bright and Niall seems to relax a little. He moves away from his husband's side, sitting up straight in his chair and trying to be more invested in the conversation. He wanted to match the excitement in the room, he wanted to be smiling just as brightly... but despite being on board with the whole baby thing... Niall was still terrified. 

He knew that Harry would give their baby all the love in the world, but Niall wasn't sure if he was capable of such a thing. The Styles family was one filled with love, the Horan family on the other hand was filled with nothing more than hate. 


ohhhhhhhhhhh man, look at me not taking 2083409380 days to update. it's literally a christmas eve miracle cause it's still christmas eve where I live (got like 45 minutes till midnight soooooooooo)

i'll probably update again tomorrow cause i don't have to work lol. 

I hope everyone has a happy holiday!

also, i posted a christmas one shot if you guys wanna go check it out? It's called I'll Be Home For Christmas


dedication goes toooooooooooooo Brinunez




connie xx 

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