twenty-three: statues

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twenty-three: statues

"Harry... Talk to me..." Niall whispers a few hours later, looking at his husband who sat in a hospital bed with an emotionless expression. Harry had been like that since they got the news, staring at the wall while Niall tried his hardest to get Harry to say something. 

"H... Please..." Niall tries again, his voice strained as he tries to keep calm for Harry's sake but Niall was having a hard time keeping it together. He could still hear the doctor saying those three words that crushed him, the sentence repeating in his head like a mantra and he just wished it would stop.

There's no heartbeat

Those words were enough to floor Niall as it was, but Harry's wail of despair was what really hit him. Harry hadn't made a sound since though, crying silently as Niall tries to get any sort of response from him. Niall could hardly take it, the silence making it worse for him because he just knew how broken Harry was. This had been all Harry had wanted for a long time... and now it was gone, just like that.

Niall couldn't breathe.

"Harry..." Niall tries again, this time fighting back a sob as he reaches out for his husband's hand. He holds onto it tightly as his whole body shakes, Harry's hand completely limp in his. Niall had wanted this too, maybe not at first, but he'd grown used to the idea... he'd been excited, happy... and now it was gone.

Their baby was gone.

There's a knock on Harry's door, causing Niall to tear his gaze away from Harry to look at who it was. Anne stands in the doorway, tearstained cheeks and a sad smile on her face. She doesn't say anything, just gestures for Niall to join her outside. Niall lets out a shaky breath before nodding, standing up from his spot next to Harry to place a gentle kiss to his husband's forehead.

"I love you... I'll be right back." He whispers, brushing Harry's hair aside. It still doesn't gain any response and Niall feels his heart break a little more before he joins Anne in the hallway. He lets out a surprises gasp when she pulls him into her arms, hugging him so tightly he was certain he couldn't breathe.

"Thanks for coming." He whispers once she pulls away, putting on a brave face despite the fact he was just a few seconds from a total breakdown. He kept telling himself he needed to be strong, he had to be strong for Harry...

"Of course... How... How is he?" Anne asks, glancing at the door to Harry's room for a second with a worried expression. She had never seen Harry like this, her son wasn't one to shut down emotionally. He always wore his emotions, so seeing him like this absolutely terrified her.

"He's... he's not good. He hasn't said a word since... since..." Niall can't even finish the sentence, his breath  catching as he's fighting back sobs. He couldn't wrap his head around it, he didn't want to believe it. He kept thinking maybe this was just a really messed up dream, that he'd wake up any minute now and everything would be fine.

But he'd pinched himself enough in the past four hours to know better, the skin on his arm bruised. The thought alone has Niall in hysterics again, the young man placing his head in his hands as he cries. He was trying to he strong, he hated feeling weak... but he'd lost his baby, the baby he didn't realize how badly he wanted until she was gone.

"Niall, I can't even begin to imagine what you both are going through..." Anne says quietly, reaching out a hand to rest it on Niall's shoulder. Niall almost flinches from the contact, still not used to anyone touching him in a comforting manner. He looks at Anne though, hoping that she can at least tell that he's thankful she's here despite him not saying the words.

"I've... I've tried everything to get him to talk or at least look at me... maybe he'll respond better to you." Niall whispers, standing up a little straighter and clearing his throat as he glances into Harry's  room. Harry looked like a statue from there, completely unmoving and that made Niall worry even more. Niall was slowly starting to blame himself, he should've caught on that something was wrong... he should've known.

"He's just in shock, Niall... it's nothing you did." Anne says, seeming to catch Niall's guilty expression.

"I don't know how to help him... I feel useless..." Niall continues to whisper, afraid that if he raises his voice any higher that he'll lose it completely. He felt helpless and lost... He was so used to Harry being the rock in their relationship and now it was Niall's turn but he didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to help Harry through this...

"Just be there for him, he's going to need all of us... even if he refuses to believe it." Anne says and Niall wishes more than anything that he understood what she meant.

"I should go back in there..." Niall says after a moment, earning a nod from his mother in law.

"You'll call me if either of you need anything?" She asks.

"Of course... but don't you want to see him?" Niall asks, frowning when Anne shakes her head.

"He doesn't need me right now... He needs you."


So before you fight me, I'm sorry that harry lost the baby but legit this is the plot and I've got this all under control and I swear that you guys will get a narry baby in this book it's just not right now.

So yeah. I should be sleeping but I'm a procrastinator and played video games instead of writing. Oops.

QOTC: How do you guys think Harry or Niall will cope with this? (What kinda question is that, Connie? Fuck.)

Dedication goes to everyone cause I'm honestly too tired to go pick someone.




Connie xx

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