forty-one: a wave goodbye

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forty-one: a wave goodbye

"And you're sure you'll be okay? I'm sure they'll be fine without me." Harry says a few dayslater, looking at Niall nervously as his husband holds their baby. Harry's work had called asking him to attend a seminar yesterday morning, Harry having agreed to attend only to wish he hadn't. He hadn't really thought it through and was just now realizing that he'd be away from Kian for almost a week. Harry hadn't been without the baby since he'd been born, so it was safe to say he was having a bit of separation anxiety. Niall on the other hand was glad Harry was getting away, it gave him more time to figure out how he was going to deal with his father. He hadn't told Harry yet, several things seeming to get out of the way. Niall knew he was putting it off, making up excuses but he just didn't know how to tell Harry that his father was in charge of one of London's biggest drug trafficking rings.... and that when they were first together, Niall was apart of it. 

It wasn't something that came easily, Niall knew that. 

"We'll be fine, H. I'm more than capable of taking care of this little tiger on my own." Niall says, smiling softly as Harry bites on his bottom lip. Harry wasn't sure if he should go, the idea of leaving Kian not a very pleasant one. He knew it was the anxiety that something might happen while he's gone and that this moment was the last he'd ever see of the sleepy baby boy in his husband's arms. He knew it was a silly thing to think, but he'd already lost one baby... what was going to stop it from happening again? 

"I just don't know if I should go... What if something happens?" Harry asks and realization dawns on Niall as to why Harry seemed so reluctant. 

"Babe, I swear that we'll be fine. Nothing is going to happen and I promise that I'll face time you every night before he goes to sleep so you can sing him his lullaby.  We'll be okay." Niall says quietly, walking over to his husband and grabbing his hand with his free one. He gives it a tight squeeze but Harry still seems unsure. 

"You promise?" Harry asks quietly, reaching out to brush a finger across Kian's cheek. The baby's nose scrunches at the action, his big baby blue eyes blinking open for just a moment. Harry was silently hoping that they'd stay blue, but he knew Niall was wishing for the green. Kian already looked more like Harry than he did Niall with the same dimpled cheek and button nose, so Harry was hoping he'd get Niall's blue eyes. 

"I promise, Harry." Niall says, leaning in to kiss Harry's cheek. Harry smiles a little at that before letting out a sigh. 

"Okay... Let's get my luggage into the car before I convince myself out of it." Harry says, already reaching for his bag. Niall chuckles a little at his husband, following him out the door so he could say goodbye at the car. Niall was going to miss him of course, but he couldn't help but feel a little glad that Harry was going to be out of town. 

"God, I hate these stairs." Harry grumbles once they reach the main level. They lived on the second floor so it wasn't too bad of a walk, but Harry always hated those stairs. 

"Maybe when you get back, we can go back to looking for houses? I know you said you wanted to wait to move until Kian was about a year, but it doesn't hurt to look." Niall offers, opening the boot for Harry which of course earned a noise of disagreement from Kian. He didn't like to be moved around when he was trying to sleep, a trait that reminded Harry an awful lot of Niall on a Sunday morning. 

"You're right, it won't hurt to look... Maybe you can put together a list of houses for us to look at when I get back?" Harry offers back, earning a nod from Niall.

"Sure. Are you heading out then or do you still have some time?" Niall asks. 

"I've got enough time to help put him down for his nap if that's what you're asking." Harry says, smiling softly at Niall who can't help but chuckle. 

"That wasn't what I was asking, but being since you're offering...." Niall says, continuing to grin as Harry kisses his cheek again. They walk back up to the flat after that, Niall keeping a weary eye on the parking lot because he could've sworn he'd seen the all too familiar black car parked not too far away. Harry helps put Kian down for his nap, having an even harder time walking away from the sleeping baby than he had when he was awake. He gives him an extra kiss to his forehead before allowing Niall to pull him away, the younger of the two giving one last wave goodbye before he finally leaves. 

Niall watches him go from their living room window, feeling a sense of relief when Harry's car is no longer in sight. The relief is short lived when he sees the black car in the parking lot though, the license plate a dead giveaway for who it belonged to. Niall had to figure out what he was going to do and he had to do it fast. 



and I actually like this chapter, which is like... another miracle. 

anyways, i know i post about new stories a lot and then i take them down a lot butttttttttttttt i'm gonna tell you about it despite that fact. So, I've got a new narry on my profile called Broken. 

this is the cover: 

annnnnnnnnnnnd this is the description: 

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annnnnnnnnnnnd this is the description: 

"All I know is that I can't breathe like I used to. It feels like every time I do, all I can think about is him. I miss him so goddamn much that the idea of being without him for any longer than I already have is just..." He trails off, his voice barely over a whisper as tears fall down his cheeks. He listens quietly to Niall's breathing on the other end for a moment before he finally says it. "I just feel like I'm drowning and no one is around to save me..."

"Well maybe I can teach you how to swim."

Or the one where a phone call changed everything

it's a little on the sadder side, but i'm rather excited about this story and i want others to enjoy it too... so if you want to check it out, please do. i'll love you 5eva

dedication goes to inawhilecrocodile




connie xx 

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