thirty-seven: a little less than perfect

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thirty-seven: a little less than perfect

Harry couldn't stop staring at him, looking down at the sleeping baby in his arms like he was the most amazing thing on the planet. Niall couldn't blame him though because he thought the exact same thing. It had been only a week since they'd brought Kian home and Harry hadn't put the baby down for more than a few seconds. He was a permanet fixture in Harry's arms and Niall was happy to see Harry so... happy. Niall could watch them for hours, the missing part in his heart slowly starting to heal more and more with every passing second of their son in their lives. 

Niall didn't think he would ever be able to love anything so easily, but the moment the doctor had handed Kian to him, Niall knew that wasn't the case anymore. Niall liked to think he looked like Harry, the same button nose and a dimple on his left cheek that only showed up when he yawned. He was almost certain that all of their children would have that dimple, not that he'd mind. He wanted them to all look like Harry... Not that he's thinking about having more just yet. Kian was enough, Niall didn't need any more. 

"Do you want to hold him while I take a shower?" Harry asks, noticing Niall standing off to the side. Niall wasn't about to pass up that offer, nodding quickly before taking the spit up rag from Harry. 

"I'll only be a few minutes." Harry says, earning a soft laugh from Niall. 

"Take as long as you want, now hand me the little prince." Niall says quietly, holding out his arms for Kian. Harry passes him over slowly, smiling a little when the baby lets out a quiet huff at the changing of hands. Harry presses a soft kiss to the baby's forehead along with a kiss to Niall's cheek beofre he walks towards their bedroom. Niall takes a seat down on the floor, propping his legs up so he can lay Kian against them. He grins like a fool when Kian yawns, revealing the dimple that Niall just constantly wanted to kiss. 

"You sure are a sleepy little prince today. I guess that means your mama and I are in for a long night." Niall teases, taking a finger and running it along Kian's cheek. The baby slowly opens his eyes, looking at Niall with a dazed expression that seemed to make his heart grow even more. He feels a small saddness wash over him for a second though as he finds his mind wandering to Neveah. He knows it's stupid to dwell on something like the fact he'd never get to expeirence any of this with her, but he still found himself doing just that. He knows that if things had worked out, if she would've lived... they wouldn't have Kian. So it was a bitter sweet thing for him and he finds it hard to picture his life without the little boy in his lap, especially when the baby lets out a rather loud shriek that causes him to jump.

"Oh I'm sorry, was I not paying enough attention to you?" Niall coos down at him, hooking his thumbs with Kian's hands. 

"Your mama and I have waited so long for you, do you know that? I didn't realize how badly I wanted you until we lost your sister... and I regret how I acted when she came about... and maybe I wish things could've been different, but now I just... I'm glad you're here, Kian. I know you don't understand a single thing I'm saying to you... but I just want you to know that I will love you no matter what. I won't let myself become like my parents, I promise I'll do better by you... and I hope that I'm a good father to you, Kian. Your mama has it all down, he's a natural at this whole parent thing... but I'm going to need some work, so I apologize to you right now if I don't live up to your expectations... not that you really have any being since you're only a week old, but still." Niall says, laughing a little at his own insecruties. He hadn't voiced it to Harry yet, mainly because he didn't want to ruin this blissful feeling that had fallen over their home... but ever since Kian had arrived, Niall's doubts about himself had come back full force. 

It didn't help that his father had been calling him none stop either, dredging up the past that Niall had tried so desperatley to push down. Harry was too entranced with the baby to really take notice and for that Niall was somewhat grateful for. Eventually Niall's father would drop off the face of the earth again, not having a care for what Niall was doing. Until then, Niall just had to act like it didn't bother him. 

So he keeps himself focused on the now very awake baby in his lap, cooing down at him and telling him little stories that he knew Kian wouldn't understand till he was much older. He doesn't even skip a beat when Harry joins them on the floor, continuing with his story about the three little pigs as Harry rests his head on his shoulder. 

It didn't matter if things were messy, if things weren't perfect. 

All that mattered was their little family, their little less than perfect family. 



here's a chapter that's just.... not what i wanted, but it worked. 

ummmmmmmm dedication goes to harrytion




connie xx 

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