four: angst in a waiting room

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four: angst in a waiting room

Niall had disliked hospitals for as long as he could remember. There was just something with the bright lighting and the too clean scent that always set him off and if he had his way, he wouldn't be sitting in a waiting room right now.

But Harry was already angry enough as it was, straight out refusing to even talk to Niall despite the fact they're the only two in the room. Niall is trying not to take it personally, knowing that Harry probably had every right to be angry with him. It made Niall nervous though, not once in their five years of being together did Harry flat out refuse to talk to him. Usually Niall would just get short, one worded responses... And right about now, he would kill for one of those.

The silence was killing him, the older of the two looking down at his hands as he plays with the sleeves of his shirt. He risks a glance towards Harry, biting on his lip as he tries to think of something to make this better. Harry was looking at the labor and delivery door, a concerned expression on his face with just a hint of annoyance. Niall knew the annoyance was reserved for him, but Harry would tell him over and over again that he'd never get annoying.

"H..." Niall starts to speak again, only to stop when he decides it's not worth it. What was he even going to say? He wasn't about to tell Harry yeah, let's have a baby. If it'll make you talk to me again, we can have two!

No. He wasn't about to give in.

Harry is still staring at the doors, not even acknowledging that Niall had said anything. Niall lets out a long sigh, running a hand through his hair before he stands up from his chair. He didn't have to sit around and take this.

"I'm going to walk around for a little while." Niall says but he still doesn't get any reaction from his husband. Niall walks out of the waiting room, shoving his hands in his pockets as his head hangs low. He thinks about glancing back at Harry, wondering if maybe he's watching him go... but he doesn't.

Instead he walks around for a little while, trying to think of ways to fix the mess he was in. He understood why Harry was upset, he really did... but he was kinda wishing that Harry would understand his side. Harry only saw the cute side of having a baby, he didn't think practically like Niall did.

Niall finds himself standing in front of the nursery, staring at the thirty or more babies like they were some kind of foreign object. He didn't understand why so many people were obsessed with babies... He didn't really think he wanted to understand though. All he needed to know was that having a baby changes things.

Having a baby would change everything and Harry just really didn't seem to grasp that. He saw it as filling an empty room, Niall saw it as yet another thing to crowd their already limited space. Having a baby meant cutting back hours at work for Niall and quite possibly Harry quitting his job all together, which would be fine for a year or two... but Niall was always worried about money getting tight. Having a baby meant less time with just the two of them and that was already hard enough.

Having a baby just didn't seem like a good idea to Niall. The idea of being responsible for a whole other life besides his own terrified him. What if he messed up? What if Harry ended up hating him? What if he lost everything? He would only have himself to blame and then his baby would grow up in a broken home much like he had. Niall didn't want that and the best way to keep it from happening was to just never have kids.

Harry had to understand that...

And then Niall's got arms wrapping around his waist, Harry's familiar scent washing over him in an instant. Harry's chin is resting on Niall's shoulder, the sound of his breathing a little too comforting but Niall still remained rigid.

"I'm sorry." Harry whispers, nuzzling into Niall a little more as Niall's shoulders seem to sag in relief. He'd honestly expected he would return to an even colder Harry in that waiting room, but instead Harry had sought him out.

And he'd apologized.

"I'm... I'm sorry too." Niall manages to get out, swallowing his pride and accepting that this was the best they could do right now.

"They sure are cute..." Harry says, maybe as just an after thought but Niall knows there's more to it than that. He doesn't say anything about it though, simply nodding in response before he pulls out of Harry's arms.

"C'mon, we should get back to the waiting room. We don't want Liam to think we just left or something." Niall says, not caring if it seemed like an excuse to get away. Harry let's out a sigh before nodding, holding out his hand for Niall to take which of course he does.

They walk back to the waiting room hand in hand, both ignoring the tension between them, bottling it up like it means nothing.

Because that's just what they do and it seemed to be working just fine, but even they knew it wouldn't last. It was only a matter of time until that bottle broke.


Annnnnnd there's chapter four. Man it's so angsty... didn't I promise fluff? Lol, I suck.

Maybe a double update tonight cause I honestly don't know if I wanna even write for my other stories... I should write those but I'm stuck and yeahhhhh

Dedication goes to NazzaStylan (mainly cause of the kiwi reference homeslice)




Connie xx

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