six: an empty box

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six: an empty box

"So... Are you sure Louis isn't here?" Harry asks, following closely behind Niall as they walk into what appeared to be a deserted station but Harry knew there was at least the night shift. It consisted of a few college kids that Harry hadn't really gotten to know yet, not that he hadn't tried to. They were pretty closed off around Harry, but Niall says that they're that way with everyone except Louis.

"I'm positive. He had a date." Niall says, reaching for the key to his office as Harry continues to look around nervously. He was rather looking forward to what was going to happen once they got in there, but he was still worried that Louis would walk in or one of the college interns... 

"Who with?" Harry asks, giggling when Niall lets out a triumphant sound when he finally gets the door unlocked.  Harry feels a little giddy as they walk into the clearly deserted office, risking a nervous glance out the door before Niall shuts it quietly behind him. 

"Dunno, didn't really have time to ask him. Now where do you want to do it?" Niall asks, the grin on his face making Harry giggle a little. Harry pretends to look around the room for a spot, tapping his chin as he does so. 

"I don't know, your office doesn't seem to be all that ideal of a spo-" Harry starts only to be interrupted when Niall lifts him up and places him down on his desk. Niall grins proudly before going in for a kiss, loving how Harry's fingers start to tangle into his hair. Harry lets out a little noise when they accidentally knock over the cup of pencils, pulling away to observe the mess only to have Niall take advantage of his exposed neck. Harry gasps a little when Niall slides his hand into his pants as he hadn't even realized Niall had unbuttoned them in the first place. Niall's trying to get Harry on his back which wasn't going so well as Harry accidentally hits the keyboard of Niall's computer, the loud ding of the computer turning on causing both to jump. 

"We could always just do it on the floor..." Niall offers up, earning laugh from Harry. 

"You and your floors..." Harry teases, leaning in for another kiss that gets heavy within just a few seconds. Niall's hands are moving all over Harry's body, his skin feeling like it might catch fire at just the simple touches. Niall always made Harry feel alive, even after five years. Harry's got Niall's pants unbuttoned now, pulling them down but giving up once they were past his ass. Both shirts had been tossed to the side at some point, Harry's hanging on Niall's filing cabinet while Niall's appeared to be just by the door. 

"I gotta grab the condom, hold up." Niall says after a few more minutes of very heavy snogging. Harry lets out a soft whine as his husband pulls away completely, only to giggle at the way Niall's walking. Niall walks over to his filing cabinet, opening up the bottom drawer where he kept a small box of condoms just for occasions like this.

"Well shit..." Niall curses when he grabs the now empty box, silently wondering how the hell they'd gone through the whole box already when Harry hadn't been to the station for well over two months. 

"What?" Harry asks, craning his head so he can see across the room. 

"We don't have any." Niall says, holding up the empty box. He was pretty sure it was Louis who took the last one, probably for his stupid date  the bastard. 

"Oh well... We could always just risk it?" Harry offers up and Niall gets rigid at that because no, they could not risk it. Niall refused to risk it. 

"No. We'll just... We'll just go home." Niall says and Harry frowns at that.

"You're kidding right?" Harry asks and Niall shakes his head, pulling up his pants and grimacing at how tight they were in that moment. He's grabbing Harry's shirt off the filing cabinet, handing it over to the younger who is still waiting for Niall's excuse this time even though he knew what it was. Harry didn't want to fight anymore, he didn't want to go to bed angry... 

But the issue was something he needed to bring up. He wanted Niall to understand how badly he wanted a baby, how badly he felt like this was what they needed. The room in the flat that just lay empty needed something and it wasn't about to be a dog. 

"Niall, I want a baby." Harry says it, the last sentence Niall wanted to hear, and it just hangs in the air for a few seconds as Niall stands with his back to his husband. Harry sees how tense Niall's shoulders are and he can hear his own heart beating so rapidly he was surprised it hadn't burst out of his chest. 

"It's been... We've been married for three years now and I... I want a baby." Harry says again, this time slower as he still stares at Niall. Niall closes his eyes, taking in a deep breath before he turns around, opening his eyes to be met with Harry's green ones which looked so sad and vulnerable. 

"Not now, Harry." Niall says, trying to stand his ground even when Harry's somewhat hopeful expression drops. 

"If not now, when?" Harry asks, instantly hating how desperate he sounded. He didn't get why Niall wouldn't want this, why he was so against it. 

"I don't know, Harry. Just not right now." Niall says, handing Harry his shirt before he finally grabs his own. Niall is still trying to stand his ground, pretending like he doesn't see how upset Harry is because he knew there was only one way to make Harry happy in that moment. 

And that was to give him the one thing he wanted and that was something Niall just couldn't do. 


lol, it's been like a week. 

that's the case with everything though so it's all good in the hood. 

i've never been good with author's notes lol. it's been like five years and i'm still shit at it lol. 


dedication goes to NarryNut1211




connie xx

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