five: baby bet

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five: baby bet

"So, boy or girl?" Harry asks Niall about twenty minutes later, the couple now sitting on the same couch as they wait for Liam to return with news. Niall was playing with Harry's fingers, stalling the action at Harry's question as he hadn't really gotten the context he was asking in. Harry cranes his head so he can look at his husband, shifting on his lap

"I'm sorry?" Niall asks, hating how quickly his heart was beating right now. Was Harry asking if Niall wanted a boy or a girl? Was Harry already pregnant and this was his way of telling him? 

"Do you think they're having a boy or a girl? You know considering they didn't find out the gender and all... Figured we could set a bet or something..." Harry says, trailing off as he studies the expression on Niall's face. Niall seems to relax a little, but his heart still felt like it was about to beat out of his chest. 

"What are we betting?" Niall asks, shifting on the couch a little which causes Harry to start sliding off his lap but Niall was quick to pull him back up. 

"Our usual wager. I win, we have sex on the table. You win, we have sex wherever you want." Harry says, earning a soft chuckle from Niall as he wraps his arms around Harry a little tighter. 

"Alright, I think I can agree to those terms. What's your side?" Niall asks, chuckling again as Harry pretends to think about it. Niall knew what side Harry was on because it was always the same one. 

"Girl. I bet they're having a girl. Liam's going to be way too over protective of her and she'll be lucky to date anyone before the age of thirty." Harry says, earning a nod from Niall because there was no doubt in his mind that Harry was right. 

"Alright, if they have a boy we're having sex in the kitchen." Niall says, smiling brightly when Harry lets out a laugh that seems to echo through the room. Niall always loved it when Harry laughed and he would do absolutely anything to hear that sound again. 

"That's hardly sanitary." Harry points out and Niall lets out a scoff. 

"Like sex on the table is any better." 

"Well I was going to say we could go down to the station... have sex in your office... but last time that happened, Louis walked in and I still can't look him in the eye." Harry admits and Niall's laughing softly yet again, burying his face into Harry's hair. 

"Louis isn't working tonight... we could sneak in." Niall whispers, smirking when Harry shivers involuntarily. Niall thinks about maybe teasing Harry a little, wondering how worked up he could get his husband before they left. 

"At this rate, we're gonna be here all night." Harry says, looking at the doors yet again. Zayn had been in there for nearly two hours now and Harry was starting to get impatient. He knew that they couldn't rush these things, but it wasn't like Zayn was delivering the baby naturally.  

"We could always come back in the morning..." Niall offers, earning a shake of the head from his husband. 

"I promised Liam we'd wait out here since his parents couldn't make it." Harry says, letting out a yawn as his body reminds him how shitty of a night of sleep he'd gotten last night. He nuzzles further into Niall's chest, humming softly as Niall starts to play with his chair. He could easily fall asleep like this, his eyes slowly starting to close. He felt like he'd literally just fallen asleep when Niall's shaking him, saying his name softly. 

"H, babe. Wake up. Liam's got someone he'd like us to meet." Niall says, shaking his husband gently and earning a groan from Harry as he opens up his eyes again. Liam was nowhere in sight when Harry sits up, a confused expression on his face. 

"Where's he at?" Harry asks, moving off of Niall's lap. 

"He's with Zayn and the baby, he just left and I told him we'd be there in a minute. So c'mon." Niall says, standing up from his chair and groaning a little at how stiff his back felt. Harry has a guilty expression on his face at that, but Niall is quick to pull him into his side. Together they walk to the recovery wing, Harry resting his head on Niall's shoulder as they do so. Harry moves away once they reach Zayn's room, Niall opening the door for him. They walk in quietly, Zayn perking up at the sound of the door but Harry could tell he was exhausted. Liam is standing by a small cart that Harry knew for a fact held a little baby, the young man's heart swelling at just the sight of the cart. 

"Hey guys..." Zayn says, smiling softly at his friends. Harry tears his eyes away from the baby cart to look at Zayn, returning his smile before he walks over there to give him a hug. 

"Congrats, mate." Harry says, moving out of the way so that Niall can do the same. Liam is pulling the baby out of the cart when Harry turns around, the sound the baby makes just about floors Harry. 

"Boys, I'd like you to meet our little girl... Analiese Claire Payne-Malik." Liam says, smiling proudly and completely missing the look that Niall and Harry share.


i think this counts as a fluffy chapter. 

and it's a double update cause screeeeeeeeeeeew updating all the other stories i was supposed to tonight. (sowk and picture perfect) I'M MAD ABOUT IT TOO CAUSE I'M FUCKING STUCK RIGHT NOW ON BOTH WHICH MAKES ME SAD CAUSE PICTURE PERFECT IS SO CLOSE TO BEING DONE AND SOWK IS JUST... FUCK. 

okay, i'm done. 

ziam had a giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl, how cute. 

shalllllll we start qotc? i think we shall next chapter lol. 

dedication goes to Nameless_Sam




connie xx 

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