twenty-two: a christmas party

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twenty-two: a christmas party

"Niall, will you get the door? I think that's Liam and Zayn." Harry shouts from the kitchen, pulling out the rolls he'd made for dinner. It was their annual Christmas party, not that Harry really called it a party. It was just Liam, Zayn, and Louis, sometimes Harry's mum would come over along with his sister, but usually it was just the five of them. Not that Harry minded, he enjoyed the small get together with all their friends, especially this year. It was their last Christmas with just the two of them and Harry had the best gift for Niall.

While Niall had been at work yesterday, Harry had gone to his doctor to find out the gender of their baby. He had her write it down for him so it was a surprise for both of them and he was having Liam bring the present over tonight with him. Harry was already giddy beyond belief, he could hardly contain himself. Harry was going to have Niall open it as soon as dinner was over.

Harry places the rolls down on the counter, wincing when he feels a small pain shoot across his stomach but he just writes it off as a cramp. They'd been going on all through out the day and Harry felt like he'd been doing a swell job of keeping it hidden. Niall was in his fretting phase, a phase that Harry didn't think would ever happen... but it was a bit much for Harry at the moment. He didn't want Niall to cancel the party just because of a few stomach cramps.

Harry perks up when he hears what he believes to be Analiese, a bright smile on his face as he heads into the living room for just a moment. He didn't get to see the little baby as often as he liked, so he always treasured it. He tries not to laugh when he hears Liam and Zayn arguing about the fact Liam didn't know how to take the baby out of the car seat.

"Liam! Her arm is caught!" Zayn whines, trying to take over for Liam but Liam swats his hand away.

"No it isn't, Zayn. She's just fi-" Liam says, only to be cut off by a loud shriek from the baby as he pulls her out of the carrier.

"See. I told you she didn't like it." Zayn says, earning a glare from Liam before he catches sight of Harry.

"Merry Christmas, H." Liam says, walking over and giving his friend a half hug as he holds Analiese in one arm. Zayn lets out a huff, crossing his arms over his chest as he quirks an eyebrow.

"What?" Liam demands, looking at his husband with a mirrored look.

"You're holding her wrong." Zayn says and Liam rolls his eyes.

"I am holding her just fine, see? She likes it." Liam says, looking down at the nearly two month old baby who seemed rather content now. Liam finally just gives in and hands the baby over to his husband, shaking his head before he looks back at Harry.

"Did you get it?" Harry asks, earning a nod from Liam as he points over to the box next to Analiese's car seat.

"Thank you so much, Li." Harry says, jumping when Niall wraps an arm around his waist as he hadn't seen him in the room until then. Harry had been focused on that box. He couldn't wait to open up that box.

"Dinner almost ready then?" Niall asks and Harry nods.

"Yup. We're just waiting for Louis to show up and then we can eat." Harry says and as if on queue, Louis walked in through the front door.


Dinner was over rather quickly, Harry wanting to get it done so that Niall could open his present. The small group had gathered in the living room now, Liam and Zayn taking the sofa with Analiese on Liam's lap, Louis took the floor, Harry and Niall sat on the love seat. Harry was practically bouncing in his seat, Niall quirking an eyebrow at his husband's behavior but he doesn't say anything.

"Alright, who first?" Niall asks and Louis is quick to raise his hand.

"Me, since it's my birthday." Louis says, earning laughs from everyone in the room.

"Your birthday isn't for two more days, Louis. I think that Niall should go first." Harry says, already standing up and grabbing Niall's present despite Louis' protests. Harry hands it over to Niall who tears at the paper rather excitedly. Harry gets ready to sit down as Niall pulls off the top of the box, only to let out a surprised gasp when he feels a wet feeling run down his legs. The entire room falls silent and then Harry lets out loud shout as another sharp pain hits him and he nearly falls to his knees but Niall grabs him before he gets the chance to.

"Harry? What's going on?" Niall asks frantically, looking at his husband who feels like he can't breathe.

"Something... Something's wrong with the baby." Harry manages to gasp out and that was enough for Niall to spring into action. He's pulling Harry into his arms, helping him to the car and completely disregarding the turned over box with bright pink balloons floating out of it.



sorry if you get like five notifications that this got updated, i'm an impatient person and wattpad was being a shit head. this was the only update. 

qotc: don't hate me

dedication goes to EmpressTurtle




connie xx

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