thirty-two: moving forward

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lol, more jumping forward. 

thirty-two: moving forward

Summer passes quickly, much to Niall's dismay and to Harry's delight. The end of summer meant Harry got to go back to doing what he loved instead of sitting at the flat waiting for Niall to come home. Harry loved his job, he loved spending time with kids but he was also a little scared to go back. Spending time with the six year old kids was just another reminder for him that he still didn't have one. They'd been talking about it more, but neither of them were ready to commit. Niall seemed more on board with it than Harry, which actually surprised a lot of people but they didn't say anything. Things were getting better, Harry was finally healing to the point where he didn't mind holding Analiese now and Niall was finally to the point of sleeping through most nights. 

They were happy with just the two of them, but it still felt like they were missing someone. It became abundantly clear to both of them on the night of Liam's birthday party. Neither of them wanted to go in the first place, both knowing for a fact what happened last time... but Liam was one of their closest friends and they couldn't skimp out. So they go, sitting in front of the Payne-Malik house for a few minutes as they both gather up enough courage to walk inside. Harry carries Liam's present in one hand and holds Niall's hand in the other. 

They smile as Liam and Zayn greet them at the door, Harry exchanging Liam's gift for the nearly ten month baby girl Zayn was holding. She was a perfect mix of both her parents, her eyes a mirror copy of Liam's and her hair the stark black of Zayn's along with his skin tone. She was more like Liam in personality though, which Harry absolutely adored about her. Harry still feels his heart tug when he holds her though, thinking about how if things had been different... would he be holding his own baby girl? Would Nevaeh be more like him? Or would she be like Niall? 

That was always what seemed to hit him the most about it, the fact that he'd never know what his little girl would've been like. 

They make small talk for a while until Liam and Zayn excuse themselves to talk to other guests, leaving Analiese with Harry and Niall who find a place to sit down. Niall makes funny faces at the baby, grinning like a fool every time she starts to giggle. Harry can't help the feeling he has watching them as it's bitter sweet. He loved watching Niall with kids, always had... but it still hurt to think that he'd never get to watch Niall with Nevaeh. 

"She likes you." Harry whispers, fighting back tears as he smiles. 

"I think she likes anyone who's willing to act like a complete idiot. Why do you think Liam's her favorite?" Niall asks, earning a soft laugh from Harry. Niall reaches for Analiese after that and Harry passes her over. Niall didn't hold Analiese often, so when he actually did Harry didn't mind one bit handing the baby to him. He starts bouncing her on his lap, making little sounds which of course earns giggles from the little girl. Watching the exchange seemed to ignite something in Harry, the fear of wanting another baby dimming for a moment as all he thinks about is how badly he wanted this. He wanted mornings in the living room with Niall on his belly talking to their baby, he wanted nights of lullabies and made up stories, he wanted a family... 

"I'm ready..." Harry whispers, not realizing he's said it out loud until Niall turns to look at him with an expression of pure shock. Niall thought it would be at least a year until Harry reached this point, not that he was against Harry making this decision. Niall had been ready for nearly a month himself after they'd baby sat Analiese for a day, seeing how Harry interacted with her made his heart soar and made him want that. He wanted to try again, he wanted a family with Harry. 

"Are you sure?" Niall asks, not wanting to make Harry feel like there's any pressure because there wasn't. Niall was okay with waiting for as long as Harry needed. Harry was the one who had to carry the baby, he was the one putting himself through all that hardship and Niall worried about what would happen if they lost another one... Harry might not come back from it again, especially if they started trying too soon. 

"Yeah... I think so anyways? It's not too soon, is it?" Harry asks, suddenly feeling nervous. He didn't want Niall to think that he was forgetting about Nevaeh because he knew he'd never be able to. 

"No, course not. If you're ready, you're ready... and I'm ready if you are, H... I just don't want you to feel like you have to." Niall says, trying to be reassuring as he looks at his husband for any sign of hesitation. 

"I don't feel like I have to, I want to. I want a baby, Niall. I'm ready to try for another baby." Harry says and this time it's with more confidence, a bright smile on his face as he looks at Niall who can't help but return it. He leans in to give his husband a kiss, both of them laughing when Analiese lets out a shriek of dismay when she sees they aren't paying attention to her. 


yeah, it's short.

yeah, it's been almost two weeks.

sorry i'm an inconsistent fuck lately. lot going on, can't keep up and i'm really close to just blowing up soooooooooooo bare with me por favor. 

qotc: oh cheese, boy or girl? 

dedication goes to NarryNut1211




connie xx 

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