thirty-six: everything he wanted

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yo guys, don't hate me for the fact that this is literally a jump forward chapter. It's not a whole year, but I literally can't force myself to write every single day of Harry's pregnancy and this story has to end eventually (i know so saddd) and i want to include some narry family stuff instead of ending it with the birth of the baby.... so yeah. forgiveth me and let's fucking turn this shit up!

thirty-six: everything he wanted


It was actually happening. Harry couldn't believe it, looking down at the positive pregnancy test for several minutes until he was finally able to bring himself to leave the bathroom. He hadn't even meant to take a test, he had only opened his suit case for his mother's Christmas present only to find the box on top of all his clothes. He'd thrown them in last second, thinking that maybe one test over the holiday couldn't hurt... So he took one and when it came out positive, Harry instantly started to cry. He was finally there, they were finally getting this... but he couldn't help the terrified feeling either. What if he lost this one too? What would that do to him? To Niall? To them? 

Harry didn't voice those fears to Niall though, even when they were sitting in the doctor's office waiting for the confimation that this was actually real. He wasn't sure if it was real... what if this was just some dream? 

But then there's a heartbeat, a sound Harry never thought he'd get to hear again. There's a baby on that screen, too small to really know what's there but enough to make Harry's own heart feel like it just might break. This little baby was only eight weeks along, but Harry already knew he'd be devastated if he lost this one. 

He wouldn't lose this one. 



They'd gone back to work, the holiday break having passed. Harry appreciates the distraction of work, keeping his mind occupied on that instead of on the concept of losing a baby. Things were going okay though, he had just gotten his second check up the day before and everything was fine. Harry was still worried though, feeling like he would be until their little baby was actually here. They hadn't told anyone but Harry's mother, only because she was there. Harry was scared to tell anyone, not wanting to go through the sympathetic looks again if he lost this one too. Zayn was having a gender reveal party tonight, Niall wanted to tell at least Liam and Zayn then... 

But Harry didn't think he could do it. It was their little secret, one that he was determined to keep safe. 



Niall threw Harry a surprise party for his birthday this year. He invited everyone he could think of and Harry was more than grateful to have a husband like Niall. The year had been rough on both of them, yet Niall was still going out of his way to make sure Harry was happy. So Harry agrees that it's time, letting Niall break the news to everyone before they cut the cake. It was the first time Harry actually felt excited about having a baby... the worry disapearing for a moment. 



Harry didn't want to do a big reveal this time, unable to bring himself to go all out in fear that it would be a repeat of last time. So instead they sit in the hospital room, hand in hand as the doctor brings up the image on the machine. Niall's grip on Harry's hand tightened just a little when the heartbeat echos through the room. When she asks them if they want to know the gender, Harry says no. 

He wants it to be a surprise this time. 



Niall's decorating the nursery when Harry feels it, the first movement of a baby. That seemed to be when it truly clicked for him. He'd never reached this point with Nevaeh, he'd never felt her move. He's crying when Niall comes into the living room, nearly scaring the shit out of Niall because he thought something was wrong. Harry was quick to reassure him and Niall didn't leave his side again for the rest of the day. 



They were standing on their back patio, Harry's head resting on Niall's shoulder as Niall lights the lantern much like he had last year. Niall rests one of his hands on Harry's baby bump as they release the lantern, watching with a sad smile as it floats up into the night sky. Their little one is active, kicking at Niall's hand and Harry can't help but smile too. 



Niall had finally finished the nursery, thanks to Liam and Louis showing up to help set up the crib along with other things. Harry helped Zayn watch Analiese and their new little girl Lena, soaking in the sun and his last few days of freedom before their own little one arrivied. Harry was over the moon excited, counting down the days while Niall seemed to be a little more nervous. In less than a month, they'd have a baby. 

They'd finally have a baby. 



Harry's water breaks in the middle of the night in late July, Niall almost panicking but keeping it together long enough to get Harry to the hospital. He almost passes out when they take Harry in for his c-section, the fear of becoming a dad hitting Niall in full force as they wheeled Harry into the room. Niall could hardly breathe as they operated, holding onto Harry's hand almost a little too tightly. His heart is beating far too quickly, almost screeching to a hault when the sound of a screaming baby filled the room. 

They welcomed their baby boy on July 26th, naming him Kian James Horan. He had ten perfect fingers and toes, a head full of dark hair and Niall was convined he had one of Harry's dimples. 

He was everything they wanted. 


so yeah.......... sorz if you guys wanted cute narry prego moments. i wanted to write those, but i kept getting stuck so i decided to just do this. 

but ayyyyyye, it's a boy. Kian is pronouned like KEY-IN. Gotta throw in the unique ass names lol. 

also, there's probs a lot of spelling mistakes cause for whatever reason spellcheck isn't working but i honestly don't want to edit atm. so forgive me and my laziness. 

dedication goes to Jesusismyboyfriend




connie xx  

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