forty-three: a somewhat proposal

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forty-three: a somewhat proposal

The next thing Niall knows, he's waking up in a hospital room. He squints up at the ceiling, trying to think about how he ended up here in the first place. He remembered dropping Kian off at Louis'.... He remembered going to his father's... He remembered the glint of the gun... and Niall's sitting up in the bed, his chest heaving as he realizes he almost died. He can hear the heart monitor next to him going haywire as he gasps for breath, hands reaching out to touch his arm ever so gently. 

"Niall, shhh... You're okay." Harry whispers, his voice like music to Niall's ears. Niall's heart slowly stops racing, his blue eyes meeting with Harry's green and he feels like he can breathe again. The moment of peace passes quickly, Harry's eyes darkening in the way they always did when he was angry. 

"H..." Niall starts, but he doesn't know what to say. He wants to say he's sorry, but in a way he wasn't. This was what had to happen to stop his father from coming after them, it was what he had to do to keep his family safe. He wasn't sorry about that, but he was sorry that he'd made Harry worry. 

"You could've died." Harry says, his voice flat and all emotion seemed to be gone in that moment. Niall lets out a shaky sigh, nodding his head because yes he understood that... 

"I know... and I'm sorry." Niall says, looking at Harry again so that he knew just how sorry he was.

"I thought I lost you, Niall. One second I'm sitting in on a lecture and next thing I know it's the hospital calling me saying you'd been shot... They didn't tell me you were okay, they didn't tell me anything and I just... I couldn't breathe. All I could think about was that if I lost you, I wouldn't know what to do... Do you have any fucking idea how angry I am with you?"  Harry's got tears leaking out of the corner of his eyes, his hand reaching out to grab Niall's despite what he says, being mindful of the IV. He looks down at the hand, holding it tightly enough for Niall to know just how much this hit Harry. Niall slowly takes Harry's hand, moving it away from the bed and resting it on his chest. 

"I'm okay, H. I'm okay..." Niall whispers, looking at Harry patiently as his husband starts to sniff. Niall reaches out with his free hand, wiping away the few tears that are running down Harry's cheeks, smiling so softly when Harry looks up at him again. 

"You're not allowed to do that to me every again, do I make myself clear? I can't lose you, I won't lose you." Harry says, keeping his voice steady but Niall could see he was barely keeping it together. They'd lost so much already, the pain still there despite the fact it had been almost two years now.  

"You won't. Everything will be okay now, Harry. I promise." Niall says, hoping that he sounds reassuring and that it's not coming across as an empty promise. Niall wasn't sure what the future held, but he was pretty confident that the police had more than enough evidence on his father to lock him up for a very long time. Niall's family was safe.

"You better keep that promise, Horan." Harry says, the smallest of smiles playing on his lips now and Niall feels a little better. Niall holds Harry's hand a little tighter, looking at his husband with a new sense of love. Harry looked different for some reason, but a good different. His eyes were a lighter green, his smile a little brighter despite the fact it was such a small one. Harry was even more beautiful even as they sit in a hospital room, Niall in a hospital bed after risking his life for this man. For their little not so perfect family... so maybe that's why he says it, the words that make Harry look at him like he's a fool. 

"Marry me." Niall doesn't even stop them, looking at Harry with the fondest of looks. 

"You must've hit your head or something, we're already married." Harry says, a rather confused look on his face that Niall just found absolutely adorable. 

"I know... but I want to do it again. Harry, these last few years have been so hard on us... We're not the same carefree kids that go married almost five years ago. We've grown into two completely different people since then... and maybe it's time that we renew our vows. Make new promises, make our future even better than it already is. I want to marry you again because dammit, I love you." Niall says and maybe he is acting like a complete fool, but that's what he wanted. He wanted to tell this man in front of all their family and friends that he loved him, that he'd love him and all their children until the day he died. 

"Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?" Harry asks, but he's smiling which Niall takes as a good sign. 

"I don't care. If you want me to get down on one knee again, I will. Just be mindful of the fact that I just got sho-" Niall starts, only to have Harry lean in to kiss his husband quiet. He pulls away after a few seconds, his green eyes shining to the point that Niall felt like he might go blind if he looks into them too long. 

"Is that a yes?" Niall asks after he pulls away, earning an eye roll from Harry. 

"What do you think?" 



this was adorable as shit. 

also. shame on you all for assuming i'd just go and kill niall. fuck, you kill like threeeeeeeeeee characters in an ENTIRELY different series and you're labeled as a murderer. i'm nice. i put warnings. 


we've got roughly two chapters left. 


i know. 

it's sad. and there's no sequel. 

i'm sorry. 

it had to end eventually!

dedication goes to CharenaStyles




connie xx 

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