twenty-six: bottled up

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twenty-six: bottled up

At first Niall stares at Louis like he's lost his mind because there was no way Niall would've forgotten one of Harry's exes... There were only two of them, one that Harry had dated through out all of his high school years and the other had only been for a few weeks in college before he met Niall. Niall knew their names and neither one of them were Quentin. 

"Lou, Quentin isn't one of Harry's exes. You of all people would know that, considering you've known him longer than I have." Niall says, shaking his head and Louis lets out a scoff as Niall open their liquor cabinet. 

"Exactly, I of all people would know one of Harry's exes and that's fucking Issac in your living room. He must be going by his first name again." Louis says, glaring into the living room and Niall stop pouring his drink. Issac was a name he knew all too well, Harry's high school sweetheart. Niall had only met the man once and even then it had only been for a few seconds, Harry having dragged Niall to one of the small town cafes one day after they'd announced their engagement to Harry's mother... Issac had just so happened to be walking out when they went in, but Harry didn't want to talk. 

That had been almost four years ago. 

"Fuck..." Niall breathes out, glancing towards the living room but there wasn't much to see. From what little Harry had told Niall about Issac, things hadn't ended well and Harry had pretty much never gotten over him. Niall didn't see him as a threat back then because he was three hours away, but right now he's in his living room... talking with his husband... probably trying to get on his good side and Harry probably didn't even realize it. 

"Harry didn't say anything?" Louis asks, looking a tad surprised as Niall shakes his head. Harry hadn't said a word about it even though he had every opportunity. Issac or Quentin, whatever fucking name he goes by, had been in Harry's life again for well over two months... and Harry just fails to mention something so goddamn important... Niall didn't like it. 

"No, he fucking didn't..." Niall whispers, trying to keep his anger under control. He wasn't about to blow up in the middle of their party, that would only make things worse... and Niall really didn't want to make things worse right now. So he finishes making drinks, he goes into their living room and he fucking tries to be happy about the party. He smiles, he acts like it doesn't bother him how Harry is sitting so close to Quentin, laughing at his jokes like they're the funniest thing he's heard in years. 

Harry joins Niall's side for the first time since Quentin arrived when the ball gets ready to drop, counting down to midnight and kissing his husband for the first time since they'd gotten home. Niall might've enjoyed it more if he hadn't been so angry... 

Everyone seems to leave after that and Niall finally can't keep it in any longer. They're standing in the kitchen, Harry putting the last of their glasses into the dishwasher while Niall stands just a few feet away. 

"So, when were you going to alert me of the fact that you're hanging around your ex again?" Niall asks, surprised at how steady his voice was despite the fact he felt like screaming. It was about more than just this, Niall was angry about more than just this. 

"He's my friend, Niall." Harry says quietly, not even looking at his husband as he answers. 

"So? He's your ex, Harry. You don't just start hanging out with your ex boyfriend and not tell your fucking husband about it." Niall says, still keeping his voice steady but he could feel himself starting to break. His hands were shaking with the effort it was taking not to scream at Harry... if he screamed at Harry, they wouldn't be much better than his own parents. 

He wouldn't. 

"I didn't think it was that big of a deal, Niall. Last I checked you and I are the ones married, not Issac and I." Harry says after he lets out a very long and dramatic sigh, finally looking up at Niall. 

"Exactly, which is why you should've said something. Just like you should've said something when you weren't feeling good." Niall says, wincing as he realizes he can't take it back. Harry's face is completely emotionless and Niall feels his breath catch in his throat. 

"Are... Are you blaming me for what happened? Are you fucking kidding me right now?" 

"No, of course I don't blame you." 

"It sure sounds like you're blaming me."

"Fucking stop it, Harry. I can't do this with you right now, I can't launch into this argument where we yell at each other over who cared more or who cared less. That isn't the issue right now, the issue is Issac being in our lives." Niall says, trying to keep the conversation from going in a direction that he knew wouldn't end well. This wasn't how he wanted to do this, this wasn't how their year was supposed to start off...  

"No, the issue is that you blame me for losing the baby. I know you do." 

"Fine, you want the truth? I blame you. I blame you for the fact that she's gone, that we won't have that future you talked so highly of. I blame you for making me want that future and I fucking blame you for the fact that you just don't seem to care that she's gone. Is that what you fucking wanted to hear, Harry? Are you fucking happy now?" Niall finally just yells, done keeping it in and he just doesn't care anymore. Everything was hitting him like a bus and he couldn't keep it bottled inside any longer. 

"What do you want me to do, Niall? Do you want me to sit in a room alone and cry over a box of deflated balloons like you do?" Harry shoots right back and Niall feels his heart break because Harry knew... Harry knew and he hadn't once tried to help Niall through this. 

"I'm not like you, Niall. I don't sit there and hold onto things that are gone, I can't live my life that way. I have to let things go, I had to let her go and I'm sorry if that makes you think I don't care." 

"Yet you held onto Issac." Niall says, not even missing a beat. He doesn't regret it, even when Harry inhales sharply and looks at Niall like he's about to hit him. He doesn't though, nor does he say anything else in his defense. Instead he just walks out of the kitchen, Niall staying put even when he hears their front door slam shut. 


oh crud. 

this doesn't bode well for the narry... these kids... smh. such a short author's note tonight.... sorry, i wasted a lot of time watching videos on youtube...

qotc: do you guys think niall was being unfair with what he said? 

dedication goes to inawhilecrocodile




connie xx 

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