forty: fear

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forty: fear

"Did he go down alright?" Niall asks a few hours later, walking out of the bathroom after his shower to see Harry changing into his pajamas. Harry nods his head, pulling his shirt over his head as he climbs onto their bed. Harry sits with his legs crossed, frowning when he sees the somewhat stressed expression on Niall's face. He'd been acting weird all day, ever since they'd gotten home. 

"Are you doing okay?" Harry asks as Niall climbs into their bed, Niall's shoulders seeming to tense at the question. Niall didn't want to do this now, he didn't want to tell Harry just yet... but he knew it wasn't wise to put it off. He'd learned that the last time their marriage was in jeopardy... but he didn't know for sure if saying what he had to say would put their marriage on the rocks again.   

"Yeah, just um... I'm tired is all. It was a long weekend." Niall says quietly, letting out a laugh when Harry gives him an unconvinced look. 

"What's going on, Ni?" Harry presses, looking at his husband as Niall lets out a sigh. He didn't know how to tell Harry this, he was unsure of how he was going to react.

"It's... " Niall starts, running a hand through his hair as he tries to think of how to tell him.  Niall's past was always something he kept under lock and key. He didn't talk about his family, he didn't talk about what his father did for a living. He kept that part as far from Harry as he could, figuring that there wouldn't be a time when it would all come after him. Niall had always though his father would leave him alone, the man having made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with him the day he married Harry. Niall had never wanted Harry to get involved with that part of his life. 

"It's what, Niall?" Harry asks, waiting patiently which for some reason makes it harder for Niall. Niall couldn't help but wonder if this would be the final straw, the final thing that broke apart their marriage despite the fact things had been going so well. They had finally gotten back on track, happiness filled their home and here Niall was about to ruin it all because he couldn't escape his past. 

"It's my father, Harry... He's... He's back. He's back and wants me to... to take over the family business." Niall says quietly, looking down at his hands. His eyes are on the wedding band, reminding himself that Harry loves him no matter what his past was, no matter what his father demanded of him. They would be okay, Harry wouldn't leave... 

"The family business?" Harry asks, his forehead scrunching as he looks at Niall in confusion. This was the first he'd heard about a family business, but to be fair Niall never talked about his family. It was a taboo subject, Harry not wanting to press Niall on the matter and Niall never really talking about it anyways. 

"Yes." Is all Niall gets out, his heart beating so fast he was just waiting for it to burst out of his chest. He wasn't sure if he could say it, he wasn't sure if he could admit to his husband of five years that he lied.

"What exactly is the family business? Is it saving people, hunting things?" Harry asks, a teasing tone to his voice now but he's worried that Niall won't even look at him. 

"My father is-" Niall starts, but Kian's cries sound over the baby monitor. Harry stands up off the bed, giving Niall a look that says they'll continue this conversation later. Niall pulls his knees up to his chest as Harry leaves the room, resting his forehead against them as he tries to regulate his breathing. It doesn't get better as he hears Harry start to sing to the baby, the sounds mixing together and Niall thinks about how badly he had to keep them safe. 

Niall needed to keep his family safe, he needed to keep them away from the darkness that was just outside their front door. Niall doesn't stay in their room for very long, slowly walking down their hallway to stand in Kian's doorway. He watches as Harry rocks back and forth, singing some lullaby that Niall didn't recognize. Niall knew he'd do anything to keep his family out of harms way. 

He couldn't tell Harry yet, not tonight. So instead he wraps his arms around Harry's waist, looking down at the baby that was slowly starting to go back to sleep. Niall presses a soft kiss to Harry's neck, humming as Harry looks over at him. 

"I love you." Niall says, reaching out to brush a finger across Kian's cheek as if he has to remind himself that this is real. Harry smiles at his husband, kissing him before he places the baby back into his crib. 

"I love you too, even when you're being exceptionally weirder than usual." Harry says, earning a soft laugh from Niall but it doesn't sound as genuine. 

"C'mon, let's get some sleep before the little one decides he's hungry." Niall says and Harry doesn't see the point in pressing Niall into telling him something he's not ready to tell. So together they head back into their bedroom, Harry resting on Niall's chest and listening to his heartbeat before falling asleep.

Niall can't sleep though. 



this is shit and i apologize for giving you guys shit. 

i'm also sorry it's been almost a month again. i've had a lot of things happen that put me in a kinda shitty place so i haven't felt like writing  lot recently... 

so yeah. 

dedication goes to RedtoMyBlueKiwi




connie xx  

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