twelve: surprises

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twelve: surprises

Harry feels like throwing his phone across the room once he hangs up on Niall, letting out a very loud groan as he places his head in his hands. He stays like that for a few minutes, trying to wrap his head around everything until the coffee pot beeps. Harry feels sick to his stomach at the smell, but he's just blaming it on the headache he'd woken up with. He can't even bring himself to drink it now, leaving the pot untouched as he walks to the bathroom. He's hoping a quick shower will make it better, but if anything he felt worse as he climbs out. 

Harry still goes to work though, walking into the school building at his usual time of just twenty minutes before the first bell rings. He was one of the few who actually showed up early, the halls pretty much deserted as he walks to his classroom.  He's grateful for the peace and quiet as he writes that days agenda on the board, sitting down once he was done to brace himself for the day. 

His headache doesn't get any better throughout the day, neither did the sick feeling in his stomach. He's grateful by the time the final bell rings and he's even more grateful once he gets home. He looks at his phone for the first time since that morning as he walks through the front door, rolling his eyes when he sees how many missed calls he has from Niall. 

He doesn't call him back though, still angry with Niall and he honestly didn't feel like calling his husband back. He didn't want to hear the same thing over and over again from Niall, so Harry feels like Niall can wait a few days. Maybe he'll come up with a whole new level of excuses, Harry just couldn't wait to hear those. 

Harry turns in early that night, still not feeling all that great. He hardly gets any sleep, his chest sore and the bed just felt far too cold without Niall next to him. By the time he finally falls asleep, he feels like his alarm is going off and Harry can't bring himself to go into work that morning. So he calls for a sub teacher, spending the rest of his morning in bed but with a pounding headache. He hurt everywhere and he didn't get why. 

So he finds himself calling for a doctor's appointment when he wakes up for the third morning in a row feeling like absolute shit. He has to drag himself out of bed, not even bothering to really get dressed and remaining his sweats and oversized hoodie. He got an early appointment so he didn't end up having to wait around for long, being lead back to an exam room after only a few moments. 

Niall is calling again, but Harry can't bring himself to answer. Niall would be home that afternoon anyways, he'd gotten a very early flight and Harry had decided they'd just talk when Niall came home. Harry wasn't looking forward to it, but he knew it was inevitable. Harry isn't even paying attention as the nurse takes his vitals, only flinching a little when she takes some blood. He only tunes in when she hands him a small cup, giving him directions to the bathroom and what exactly he was supposed to do.

Harry does as she says, returning to the exam room once he's finished where he waits for a little longer. The doctor sounds over the moon excited as she walks in, holding a clipboard in her hand with Harry's test results.


Niall wants nothing more than to get home as soon as the plane lands. He'd had a horrible time at the festival for several reasons, but the main was that he was terrified at what he'd be coming home to. Harry hadn't talked to him for nearly three days, the longest either of them had gone since the time in Uni when Niall had been stupid enough to tell Harry he needed a break. Niall had to pretty much drop to his knees and ask forgiveness back then, who's to say what he'd have to do this time?

He calls Harry when the plane lands, leaving a voicemail letting his husband know he's on his way home. Louis gives him a lift home, the older wishing Niall good luck once they reached his flat. Niall feels like he needs more than luck as he walks up the two flights of stairs that led up to his and Harry's flat, the walk seeming to drag on far longer than needed.

Niall hesitates at the front door, his hand on the doorknob as he takes in a deep breath. He didn't know what was waiting for him behind that door, he didn't know if he was walking in on a possibility of divorce or if Harry had actually somehow forgiven him.

When he does walk into the flat, it's not either of those things. The place is empty, not a sound being made. There's a light on in the kitchen though, something that never happens as Harry was one of those who always turned off the lights. Niall was the one who left them on.

Niall walks into the kitchen with a confused expression, his eyes catching onto something on the counter. He recognizes it almost instantly, his hands shaking as he reaches out to grab the small picture. Attached to it is a sticky note in Harry's handwriting and Niall feels his stomach drop because this wasn't a prank.

Congrats, once you get your head out of your ass, you're going to be a dad. Until then, I'll be staying at my sister's.

All the love, H.



Bout time. It's chapter 12. Lol.

Hopefully narry can get their shit together...

Also, this is probably going to be my only update this week. I'm gonna be taking a break from like all forms of social media this next week cause people are stressing me out and I'm honestly just... having a week already and it's only Sunday. So to all my friends on kik and here, I apologize for not replying today and for not replying for the next week or so. I really just need a break.

Dedication goes to NiallandHarryduhhh




Connie xx

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