eleven: the rough patch

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eleven: the rough patch

Niall couldn't sleep, laying on the cheap bed in the cheap hotel room listening to just the sound of Louis snoring in the bed next to his. Niall keeps looking at the clock, wondering if maybe it wasn't too early in England to give Harry a call. Niall felt terrible for just leaving, he should've stayed until Harry wasn't angry with him anymore... 

But Niall needed to leave. He needed space so he could think, he needed to figure out what he was going to do. He didn't want to tell Harry no, he didn't want to see that crushed look on Harry's face when he finally just said he was putting his foot down and he wouldn't have a baby. No... Niall wouldn't do that, but that was how Niall felt in that moment. So Niall ran, going to the states to some small town music festival that he honestly couldn't remember the name of... and he was already regretting it, but it was too late now. 

Niall glances at the clock again, letting out a sigh as he sees it just past two in the morning. He'd been in the states enough times over the years to know that Harry would be awake by now. Niall climbs out of bed, grabbing his phone off the nightstand before walking out to the hotel balcony. He calls Harry once he's outside, leaning against the railing as he waits patiently for Harry to answer. 

"Hello?" Harry answers after the forth ring, sleep still evident in his voice and Niall bites back a smile at the image of his sleepy husband. He'd only been gone for a few hours, but he already missed Harry like crazy. 

"Hey... Did I wake you?" Niall asks, keeping his voice down despite the fact he knew Louis wouldn't be able to hear him. 

"Not really, just haven't gotten my coffee yet. How was your flight?" Harry asks, his voice just as quiet as Niall's. 

"It was uh... it was good." Niall says and all Harry does is hum in response. There's a silence for a moment, Niall feeling a little on edge as Harry doesn't say anything. 

"Are... Are we okay?" Niall asks, the question seeming to float in the air as Harry remains quiet for another moment. Harry lets out a sigh and Niall bites down hard on his lip his almost certain he's drawing blood. He hated it when Harry was mad at him and lately that's all Harry seemed to be towards him. 

"Honestly? I don't know. I'm... I'm sure it's just a rough patch, but I'm... I'm still kinda angry with you, you know? I know that we just agreed about it, but I planned everything out and... You literally just left. And for the record, you didn't text me anything about your little music festival. So I need you to be honest with me, did you leave just so we wouldn't try for a baby last night?" Harry asks and it's Niall's turn to hesitate in his answer. Was this when he tells him?

"I... I guess so. I don't.... I don't know, H. It's... Everything... I just don't think I'm ready for this, you know? I know that you are, and I'm trying to be... but I just..." Niall trails off, running a hand through his hair as he lets out a long sigh, "I'm not... I'm not ready to have a baby." 

"Then why did you say yes?" 

"What was I supposed to say? You've made it more than clear that this is what you want and I... I want to be able to give you what you want, but right now... It's just too much. I said yes because I love you and I don't... I don't want to lose you." Niall says honestly, but he doesn't feel any better. He could practically picture the look on Harry's face and he already felt like he should've just given him what he wanted. Niall would get nine months to warm up to the idea of a child... Harry wouldn't be angry with him... They wouldn't be having this conversation. 

"Having a baby isn't going to make you lose me, Niall." 

"But saying that I don't want one will, that's what I'm trying to say here, H." 

"You don't know that." 

"Yes I do. All we've done for nearly four days now is argue about this. You've been angry with me pretty much every day, to the point where you wouldn't even talk to me. So don't tell me that I don't know, because I do. If I tell you no, if I refuse to do this... You're going to leave me. Just admit it." 

"Why? Why do I have to admit it if you all of a sudden know everything, Niall? Do you really think I'm that selfish?" Niall nearly flinches at the way Harry says it, the words almost like venom.

"That's not what I'm saying." Niall says quickly, trying to keep the situation from blowing up in his face but he could tell it was a little late for that. 

"It's what you're implying." 

"No, it's not. Stop making this a bigger deal than it is." Niall says, instantly regretting it when Harry takes in a sharp breath. Niall pinches the bridge of his nose, silently chewing himself out. 

"Have fun at your stupid music festival, Niall." Is all Harry says though, hanging up the phone and Niall lets out a groan. He just made the situation even worse. 

What the hell was he going to come home to? 


heyyyyyyy, i didn't take two weeks to update this one despite the fact that i don't remember when i last updated it.... it might've been sunday? maybe monday? idk, lol. 



also thank you guys so much for 1k+ votes, it warms my heart (which is always ice cold, just ask my friends/family)

dedication goes to EmpressTurtle




connie xx 

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