sixteen: the simplest of things

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sixteen: the simplest of things

Harry sits outside in the parking lot for longer than he cares to admit, staring at the staircase that lead up to his and Niall's flat and wondering if it was even worth it to go up there. He didn't know what Niall had planned, but knowing him it was something over the top because that's what Niall always did when Harry was upset with him. Harry wished that Niall would go simple, he'd voiced it several times over their five years, but Niall always thought Harry deserved more. 

From: Hubby <3 Received: 5:07 pm 

are you coming in or do you want me to come get you? 

Harry lets out a soft sigh before he finally gets out of the car, walking to the back door to grab out his bag he'd brought to Gemma's. He still takes his time as he heads up to their flat, stopping at the door before taking in a deep breath. He braces himself before he opens the door, putting on a half smile despite the fact that all he wanted to do was head back down to his car and leave. 

"Niall?" Harry calls out, a confused expression on his face as he doesn't catch sight of his husband at first. Their flat wasn't the biggest, Harry wanting the smaller one despite how much Niall insisted they get the town house further in the city. Harry hated the idea of a big home, especially when Niall started to travel around for work, leaving him alone.

"In the spare bedroom, H." Niall calls back, earning another sigh from Harry before he walks down the hall. He can hear Niall moving around, letting out a curse word just as Harry opens the door. Harry's eyes widen when he sees what Niall's done with the previously empty room. For once, Niall hadn't gone over the top. He'd only set up a crib with a baby mobile hanging over the top of it, but to Harry that was enough. It wasn't going to fix everything, but it sure as hell was a start. 

"I know it's not much, but I had to do something... I had this grand idea of doing the entire nursery but I knew you'd be upset if I did that and I just really didn't wa-" Niall starts to ramble, something he did when there was a silence that made him uncomfortable. 

"It's perfect, Niall." Harry says quietly, having walked over to the crib now. He's running his fingers across the wood, looking inside of it and just picturing what they'd have in less than nine months. A baby would be in that crib, a perfect little mix of the both of them. 

"You think?" Niall asks, watching his husband wearily with his arms crossed over his chest. Harry looks up from the crib and over at Niall, a soft smile on his face as he nods. 

"Yeah... I really do." Harry says, moving away from the crib and walking over to his husband who wraps his arms tightly around him for what felt like the first time in weeks. Harry takes in a deep breath, smiling contently as he hadn't realized how badly he'd missed Niall's smell and Niall in general. 

"I'm sorry." Niall whispers after a few minutes pass and Harry pulls away from their embrace. 

"I'm sorry too... I haven't exactly been very understanding of your side of things... I've just been so focused on what I wanted that I just... I didn't seem to care about what you wanted and that was selfish of me and I'm so-" 

"Are you as sick of apologies as I am, H? Can we just start focusing on what's next? We've got a baby coming... We're gonna start a family." Niall says and Harry swears that's the first time he's ever heard Niall actually sound excited about the prospect of a baby. 

"And you're just suddenly okay with it?" Harry asks.

"Well yeah... I'm still terrified, but I think you are too and that makes it better... I want to have the chance to prove to myself and to you that I'm not like my parents... I want to be a father and it just took me a while to figure that out." Niall says, his gaze falling onto Harry's stomach and he reaches out a hand to touch it. 

"You didn't have to prove anything to me, Niall. I already know that you're going to be a great father... It's just you who seems to think you won't be." Harry whispers, biting his lip after he speaks as he lays his hand down on top of Niall's. It was a moment that Harry wanted to last forever, feeling at peace for the first time in days. 

"I'm only going to be great because you make me great, H... I don't know what I'd do without you." Niall whispers back, leaning in to kiss his husband softly. They're both smiling when Niall pulls back, Harry reaching to wrap both of his arms around Niall's neck. 

"You'd probably still be obsessed with the Backstreet Boys." Harry says, earning a loud laugh from his husband before Niall nods in agreement. 

"You're right, thank god you came around and showed me reason." Niall says and it's Harry's turn to laugh. 

"Yeah right, I know that you and Louis still have your little jam parties in the studio. I saw the poster in Louis' office." Harry teases and Niall is grinning like a fool because he'd missed this. 

And he do absolutely anything to keep it. 


wooooooooooooowza, i didn't take forever to update. 

i'm proud of myself, but it's also cause writing is like the only thing not stressing me out at the moment lol. 


so I guess I should start qotc cause you guys said you'd participate...

qotc: ummmmmm, boy or girl for the narry baby? my questions will probs be lame for a little while until we launch into the mainnnnnnnnnnnnnnn main plot lol. 

annnnnnnnnnnnd I have another question for you guys that's not related to this story cause why the hell not? 

I have this new story idea (i know i know "why the fuck are you coming up with new stories connie when you still haven't even updated sowk for over a month?" I CAN'T HELP IT. WHEN I TAKE BREAKS FROM WRITING, I COME UP WITH NEW IDEAS AND ALL I WANNA DO IS WRITE THEM SO FUCKIN SUE ME, KAY?) anyways, it's called The Fanboy

It's gonna be darker than what I usually write... and i'm honestly a little nervous about writing it cause I've kinda failed with dark fics in the past (basically i come up with these awesome plots (at least i think they're awesome) and then I just... give up cause no one reads them lol (crime line is a prime fucking example of that... I MISS THAT ONE, SHIT. (NO CONNIE, YOU CAN'T DO IT))) 

So here's the cover (subject to change cause i just threw this one together ten minutes ago(IT FEELS EMPTY, IDK, FUCK)):

So here's the cover (subject to change cause i just threw this one together ten minutes ago(IT FEELS EMPTY, IDK, FUCK)):

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and here's my half assed description cause why the hell not?: 

"You hide behind your smile, I can see the pain in your eyes. You want so desperately for it all to stop, for the voices to finally shut up... but the more you fight them, the louder they get. You can't escape it anymore, just like I can't... so why fight it? You and I, we're meant to be."

or the one where Niall's a crazed fan and Harry's the center of his obsession.  

it's not published yet, i'm just curious as to whether or not anyone would be interested in reading it.... so yeah. this author's note has gone on long enough and i have to be up for work in less than six hours so... PEACE. 




connie xx 

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