thirty-three: negative

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thirty-three: negative

So they start trying, both going into this with high hopes because of course it would be easy. They were actually planning this baby, so why wouldn't it be? They learn quickly that wasn't the case as pregnancy test after pregnancy test come back negative. Niall doesn't let it discourage him at first, telling himself that it would happen when it would happen. Harry on the other hand wasn't so positive, his heart sinking with every negative but he tries to be as optimistic as Niall is. 

It takes exactly three months for Harry to finally hit his breaking point. It had been one of those weeks, their wedding anniversary coming up far sooner than Harry had thought it would. Harry wanted to make it special like he did every year but his head wasn't in it. Niall seemed to catch onto it, telling Harry that he didn't have to go out of his way to make it special. Niall actually wanted to take Harry away, go to the country side for the weekend... but he wasn't sure if his husband would be okay with that. Harry had sort of retreated back inside himself, doing his best to act like he was okay but Niall knew better. Which is why Niall wanted to get him away, even if it was only for a few days. 

It was a few nights before their anniversary when Harry finds himself sitting in the bathroom alone, looking down at a pregnancy test as he waits. Niall was in the living room with Zayn and Liam, telling them some outrageous story while Analiese played happily on his lap. Harry had excused himself after dinner, needing a moment alone as the happy giggles of the little girl tugged at his heart a little too much today. Harry wanted it so badly, he needed it so badly... but for whatever reason, Harry still didn't have it. He should have it, Nevaeh should be sitting in that living room right now giggling away... 

The timer on Harry's phone interrupts his somber thoughts, the sound making him jump and quickly grab for the test only to accidentally drop it on the floor. It's face down so he can't see it yet. He's almost certain his heart will beat out of his chest as he reaches down to grab it, slowly turning it over to reveal it. 


Harry lets out a shaky breath, clenching his eyes shut as he feels the sudden urge to cry. It was three months of constant negatives, each one hitting Harry harder than the last. He feels himself break for a moment, the tears falling down his cheeks freely. He only stops when there's a knock on the bathroom door, a timid one. 

"H? Everything alright?" Niall's voice sounds through the wood and Harry quickly grabs some tissues. 

"I'm great, Ni. I'll be out in a minute." Harry says in a rush, thankful that his voice doesn't give him away. He didn't want to make Niall worry about him, he was fine... he just really hated the fact that he was letting Niall down. Harry wipes his eyes, looking at himself in the mirror to make sure it wasn't too obvious that he'd been crying before he throws everything away and finally joins Niall out in the hallway. He smiles softly at his husband, allowing Niall to grab his hand before they go back into the living room. Liam offers up Analiese as they walk in, Harry shaking his head but Niall takes the little girl. They sit back down, Harry resting his head on Niall's shoulder as Niall starts to bounce Analiese on his knee. 

"So... We've uh... We've got an announcement to make." Zayn says after a minute or two of silence, looking rather nervous and sharing a quick look with his own husband. Liam reaches over and grabs Zayn's hand, giving it a tight squeeze. Harry moves away from Niall, sitting up a little straighter as it seemed this was a rather serious matter. Harry hadn't seen Liam this nervous since they'd announced they were having Analiese. 


"Yeah... Um... We're uh..." Zayn isn't able to finish, looking away from Harry because he didn't want to see the expression on his face when he says it. Zayn was well aware of Harry's fertility issue, how they'd been struggling and Zayn was about to announce that he was pregnant again... without even trying. He was almost certain it would crush his friend and he really didn't want to do that... but Liam had insisted that they tell them

"We're having another baby." Liam finishes for his husband and Niall feels his stiffen next to him. Niall looks over at Harry, noticing the quick flash of anger that Harry masks with a smile. Niall wants to say something, but he knows now isn't the time. So instead he looks over at his friends with a smile of his own, wanting to be happy with them despite the fact he was a little bit jealous. He wasn't about to let that bring him down though, it just simply wasn't time yet and Niall understood that. 

"That's amazing, guys! We're so happy for you." Niall says, speaking for both of them as Harry can only bring himself to nod in that moment. Harry wanted to be happy for his friends too, truly he did. 

But all he could think was how unfair this was.  


hiiiiiiiii, it's been almost three weeks and i'm very sorry that i just can't seem to get my shit together. i'm gonna get better, i swear cause i wanna finish this book. 

thanks for being patient and putting up with meeeee, it's appreciated. 

qotc: oh cheese, idk.

dedication goes to iguessidek




connie xx 

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