forty-two: the wire

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forty-two: the wire

"Louis, I'm only asking you to watch him for a few hours." Niall says over the phone, buckling Kian into his car seat as he tries to convince his best friend. Niall didn't want to take Kian with him when he went to his father's. The last place he wanted his son was anywhere near that man and he couldn't take Kian to Liam's. It would get back to Harry and then Harry would ask questions, questions that Niall knew for a fact he wasn't ready to answer yet. 

"Niall, I haven't been alone with a baby in years. What if he like... I don't know, explodes or something?" Louis asks, earning a surprised laugh from Niall. 

"He won't explode, Louis. The worst that will happen is that he decides you're his new target for the pee Olympics. It's going to be two hours tops, I promise." Niall reassures, tucking in Kian's blanket before placing a soft kiss to his son's forehead. Louis lets out a sigh, seeming to give in at that point. 

"Fine, but I swear if he explodes, you're the one telling Harry, not me." 


Niall sits in the driveway for what seems like forever, looking at the familiar front door with a frown. He didn't want to go in there, he didn't want to face his father ever again... but he had to do this for his son, for his husband, for his family. It was why he was wearing a wire and why just a few streets away a white van was parked waiting for the word to hit the house. Niall had enough courage to stand up to his father, the idea of his family being in danger more than enough to spur him on. 

He wouldn't allow his son to grow up in a family like his own. Niall had made that promise long before he was born, he'd made that promise to Nevaeh. He wanted his children to grow up in a family like Harry's, he wanted them to be happy. He didn't want them to be surrounded by secrets, by monsters in the closet, by hatred. He want them to know what it was like to be loved for everything that they were, not the things everyone wanted them to be. 

He didn't want them to be like him. 

So he walks into his father's home, head held high. He recognizes the faces around him, but he makes no move to greet. This was a part of his life he wasn't proud of, one that he wished to forget. He walks the halls to his father's main office, the memories of this place flashing through his mind as he does so. He grew up in this home, he played in these halls... and now he wanted nothing more than to burn this place down. 

His father doesn't even look up from his desk as Niall walks into the room, making no move to greet him or acknowledge that he'd even arrived until Niall sits down. Niall clears his throat, looking at him expectantly but it was just like he was a teenager again. Niall would never be important to his father, he was simply a means to an end and Niall knew that. It was reminded of the fact nearly every day until he finally left home, until he met Harry. 

As he listens to his father talk, Niall realizes just how lucky he was to have Harry in his life. If it weren't for him, Niall would still be stuck in this life. He wouldn't have what he has now... He wouldn't even know what it was like to be loved, to actually have someone care about his feelings for once. Niall knew that Harry had to know about this and as soon as he got back home, he'd tell his husband everything. 

Niall sits there and listens, reminding himself that it was almost over. He would be able to walk out those doors completely free, his father having no idea of the storm he was about to endure. He counts down the seconds, watching the clock above his father's desk. 

He couldn't be more grateful when his father dismisses him, telling him that he'd be in contact when the time was right. Niall knew that wouldn't be the case, walking out of the room with a smirk on his face that falls when his father speaks again. 

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice the wire, Niall?" He asks, the words sending a chill through Niall's bones. He turns around slowly, meeting his father's gaze. Their eyes were the same shade of blue, something that Niall had always hated about himself. Every time he looked in the mirror, he was reminded of the fact he had this man as his father. 

"I... I don't know what you're talking about." Niall manages to get out, his heart beating faster and his hands are now sweaty. He knew the look in his father's eyes, his blood running cold because he knew what was coming. 

"You were always so terrible at lying." His father says, Niall feeling his heart stop beating as he sees the familiar glint of his father's gun. All he could think in that moment was that his family was safe, Harry's smiling face the last thing he pictures before he hears the gun go off. 

And then everything goes black. 








also sorry for the little snippet before this.... long story short, my friend grace made me mad, i wrote a joking chapter, she dared me to post it, i posted it cause that's what i do. 

so yeah. 

dedication goes to saralove1389




connie xx 

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