thirty: falling in love all over again

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thirty: falling in love all over again 

"Where are we going anyways?" Niall asks, looking away from his phone and at his husband who was still driving. It felt like they'd been driving for ages now, the only sounds coming from the radio and the occasional ding of Niall's phone. He was just texting Louis, making sure that everything was running okay down at the station while he was away. Niall knew it was stupid, but he needed a distraction. The silence between them only made his mind wander to places he didn't want it to go, places that until just recently he never thought they'd be. He knew things had been rough lately and the aching feeling in his heart just told him this wasn't going to end well. Harry wasn't helping either, just shrugging his shoulders in response to Niall's question like it's no big deal. 

To Niall, it was a big deal. What if Harry was taking him to counseling? Or one of those dumb ass AA meetings? Niall knew his drinking hadn't stopped, but he had been very careful of not drinking around Harry and he knew his own limits... 

"H, I know you're all for surprises and shit but honestly I'm not. Can you please just tell me where we're going?" Niall begs, keeping his voice steady and trying his hardest not to sound worried. 

"It's nothing bad, Ni." Harry says, probably meaning to sound reassuring but with the way Niall was feeling lately it was anything but that. Eventually Harry pulls into a parking lot that was all too familiar to Niall, his anxiety over the matter dissipating but not completely gone. This had been where Niall had asked Harry to marry him nearly five years ago, the spot was always their favorite and it had been ages since they'd been here. Niall is the first to get out of the car, walking over to open Harry's door for him before taking his husband's hand. Niall's heart is still beating faster than normal, but Harry's grip on his hand made him feel better. 

They walk into the diner and sit in their usual spot which was a corner booth. Niall feels like he's nineteen again when Harry slides into the booth next to him, the younger of the two resting his head on Niall's shoulder like always used to. It was the most comfortable either of them had felt in weeks and Niall wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or cry more in that moment. Nothing had changed since they'd last been here, the seats were all still the same shade of green as Harry's eyes, the wooden counter tops to the tables still looked old and Niall could still see their initials carved in the wood. 

It felt like home and Niall wasn't sure when the last time was where he felt like this. 

They order their usual, thanking Vivienne who knew them by name still even though it had been a few years. They asked her how the kids were and listened with smiles on their faces as she talked. They slip into old habits so easily, Harry trying to make a tower out of the toothpicks on the table while Niall kept blowing straw wrappers at his husband. They were laughing, genuinely happy for the first time in ages. 

Niall felt whole again, his heart repairing itself just a little bit more with every giggle that comes from his husband. Harry felt at peace, like this had been the one thing he needed more than anything. He needed to get away from that flat, from that city... and Niall needed it too because this was the man Harry remembered falling in love with. The one who kept trying to balance a spoon on his nose, loud laughter echoing through the diner every time it falls back onto the table. 

They spend what feels like ages sitting in their corner booth, talking and laughing like they used to, before things had gotten so dark. Niall didn't even realize it was nearing closing time until he looks at his phone for the first time since they got there, a frown on his face as he wasn't ready to go home just yet. So instead he looks at Harry with a twinkle in his eyes that his husband hadn't seen since it had all happened. 

And maybe that's how Niall and Harry found themselves walking around their old school, reminiscing about the good old days. They stopped at Harry's old dorm building, standing outside of it with dazed smiles on their faces because that was where it all happened. They fell in love inside that building, every one of their firsts happening just behind those doors. They'd had their first kiss on the steps in front of them, their first fight had been on the second floor, their first "I love you" had been spoken in a hushed whisper outside Harry's door. 

This was their beginning and Niall was forever grateful for it. He was grateful for the day he finally worked up the courage to ask the beautiful green-eyed boy from his Humanities class on a date, depsite every part of him telling him it was a bad idea. He was so grateful that Harry said yes, even after Niall made a complete fool of himself... Even after all their time together, Niall still wonders how it all happened but he wouldn't change anything, not even after all the pain they had endured to get here. 

Because Niall still had Harry, and that was all he needed. 


wow, this was surprisingly not terribly depressing despite the fact that i'm in a shitty mood. normally i write angst when i'm like this, but this came out all sweet not that that's a bad thing. we need some sweetness in this story. 

and honestly, i'm sorry that i took the last like week and a half off from writing this. it wasn't intentional tbh, it just happened. i started working on my original story (*legit starts crying* i think it's awful but like i'm trying cause i really can't write fanfiction for my entire life despite how nice it would be) and then i started a new narry called Stuck On You which i'm actually excited for despite the fact the last thing I need is more stories to write. 

if you're bored, you should check it out though. this is the cover: 

and the description: 

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and the description: 

"I don't want to miss him, I don't want to love him, I don't want to feel this feeling any longer because it hurts so goddamn much. I want to hate him, I want to move on, but every time I even start to remotely feel like I am... He shows up and f ucks it all up again."

Or the one where Niall's got a crush on the guy across the hallway named Harry who's still in love with his ex that's getting married and Harry needs a date to the wedding

so yeah... i don't really have a qotc for this chapter, so I guess just comment your favorite thing about this chapter/story idk. 

dedication goes to 1dnarrylarry




connie xx 

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