thirty-eight: a nice night at home

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thirty-eight: a nice night at home

"So, I'm thinking we should go visit my mum this weekend? She hasn't seen Kian since he was born, it would be nice to get away from the city?" Harry says a few weeks later as he finishes up with dinner, looking into the living room where Niall and Kian both were. Niall was trying to get Kian intrested in his toys, picking them up and waving them around as he made whooshing sounds but Kian was more intrested in the blanket. 

"Niall?" Harry calls out again, shaking his head fondly as he realizes his husband isn't listening. He didn't mind, Kian was a wonderful distraction. 

"What?" Niall calls back, scooping Kian up off the floor to see what his husband needed. Kian takes that moment to stuff his hand into his mouth, something that he had just recently started doing. Niall chuckles at his actions, taking the hand out of his mouth and wrapping his tiny fingers around his own thumb. 

"I was just saying that we should take a trip up to my mother's this weekend, let her see the baby and spend some time away from the city." Harry says, kissing Kian's cheek as Niall walks past him. Niall nods his head in agreement, reaching for one of Kian's burp cloths along with the bottle that Harry had prepared earlier. Niall quickly tests the temperature, deeming it perfect before he sits down to feed the baby. 

"Sure. I could use some time away from the city." Niall says, not adding on the part about his father. He thought he would eventually give up, but it had been nearly three weeks of endless calls. He was rather grateful his father didn't know where they lived or else he would probably show up at their doorstep. The last thing Niall needed was his father ruining this too. If Niall had his way, Kian would never meet either of his grandparents on Niall's side. 

"Great, I'll call her tomorrow and let her know we're coming. She might be able to convince Gem to join us too, have a family weekend at the bungalow or something." Harry says, grinning rather happily as he starts to dish their dinner out. He takes his seat next to Niall, holding his arms out for the baby so that Niall could try to eat but his husband shakes his head. 

"You eat first, I got the babe." 

"I never thought I'd see the day when you let your food go cold..." Harry says in a joking matter, earning a soft laugh from his husband. 

"I didn't either, but things change." Niall says, looking away from Harry and down at Kian who was drinking his bottle rather contently. Niall can't help the lovesick grin he has on his face as Kian gazes up a him, not truly focusing on Niall but it was enough to make the young man feel like a fool. 

"He sure is something..." Harry says quietly, reaching out to stroke Kian's cheek with a lovesick smile of his own. He had waited so long for a moment like this, a family of three sitting at the dinner table, and it was everything he'd ever hoped it would be. Niall holding their son made his heart soar and he was so grateful that he finally got this. 

"He's gonna be a footie player if he keeps kicking those feet of his." Niall coos down, chuckling softly when Kian kicks out his legs yet again. 

"Are we going to turn into one of those family movies where Kian doesn't want to be a footie player and you use that godawful phrase of "but son, you're giving up your dream!" To which Kian replies with "no dad, I'm giving up your dream."?" Harry asks, earning a loud laugh from Niall. 

"So basically you picture our future as High School Musical?" Niall asks. 

"Yes, but with less musical numbers." 

"So does that make me Zac Efron?" Niall continues to tease, looking away from the baby and at his husband who's pretending to think about it. 

"Only if you feel compled to lay down a musical number wearing nothing but a basketball jeresey." Harry says, returning Niall's grin with one that Niall always wanted to see. Harry hadn't been this happy for so long and Niall would give anything for it to always be like this. 

"I mean, if that's what you're into..." Niall says, winking at Harry who laughs softly. A silence falls over them as Harry eats and Niall finishes up with the baby. Harry takes Kian once he seems disintrested in the bottle, allowing Niall to eat as he burps the baby.

"So a weekend away... Have you maybe thought about what I asked you the other day?" Niall asks, looking up from his plate and at Harry who was walking around the kitchen. 

"About moving?" Harry asks in return. 

"Yeah... I know it doesn't seem like the right time, but I think it'll be good for us to get a place outside of the city. Somewhere that Kian can grow up with a yard... maybe we can get a dog?" Niall offers up, watching as Harry continues to walk in circles. 

"I mean, it's not a bad idea... but I don't think now is the time? Maybe when Kian is a little bit older and our hands aren't so full? I'm not saying no, I'm just saying not now..." Harry says, earning a nod from Niall who knows it's probably best to drop the subject until later. 

"Okay. Is it bath time?" 


heyyyyyyyyyyy it's a fluffy ass chapter that makes you all nice and warm on the inside. 

so. this story probs has like seven to twelve chapters left? depending solely on what i feel like writing and whether or not i have the ideas lol. so just letting ya'll know now....

QOTC CAUSE I FUCKING FORGOT THE LAST SIX TIMES (idk if it's actually been six times tbh, i don't look back v often): Do you guys think Harry will move? Should Niall tell Harry about his father trying to come back into his life? 

dedication goes to tinag929




connie xx 

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