fifteen: the three day rule

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fifteen: the three day rule

Niall waits until Monday before he finally decides enough is enough. He calls Louis first thing in the morning, letting his co-host know that he won't be in that day. Niall makes sure everything is perfect in the flat, along with the small surprise he'd set up in the spare bedroom. Once he's satisfied, Niall goes to the closest flower shop and grabs a bouquet of yellow daisies for Harry. Harry had always found roses as a cliche, Niall still remembered the rant Harry had launched into on their first date about roses. It was one of the things that made Niall realize he really liked Harry at the time, how passionate he was about little things.

Niall arrives at the school just before lunch time, the bell ringing as Niall walks into the building. Tons of children come flooding out of classrooms, the younger years trailing behind their teachers. Niall sees Harry far sooner than Harry sees him, a soft smile on his face as Niall catches sight of his husband leading his class of fifteen down the hallway. Niall goes to Harry's classroom instead of meeting him in the hall, sitting down on Harry's desk as he waits patiently for his husband to return. Niall smiles a little at the picture on Harry's desk, one of the both of them back in their last year of Uni. It had been the night Niall had asked Harry to marry him, the picture taken just moments before he finally popped the question he'd put off for nearly two weeks. Niall looks up when he hears the door open, his smile falling when it isn't Harry in front of him but someone vaguely familiar. Niall couldn't quite remember his name or really how he knew him, but he already didn't like this guy.

"Is there something I could help you with? Are you looking for one Mr. Styles' students?" The guy asks, looking to be on edge as Niall stands up.

"No, I'm waiting for Harry to come back. I'm his husband." Niall says, smiling rather smugly as he states it. It had been three years and he was still giddy over the title, especially when it came people Niall claimed as a threat. Niall was the jealous type to say the least, not that he would ever admit that outloud or anything. It was yet another quality that Harry didn't particularly like about his husband sometimes, especially when he took things too far... But it had been quite sometime since Niall had gone overboard.

"Oh... right. Forgot he was married. I'm uh... I'm Quentin Taylor. I'm the subsitute teacher for Mr. Payne until he returns from his leave." Quentin says, holding out his hand for Niall to shake but Niall makes no move to do so. The name was familiar, but Niall still couldn't pinpoint where he'd heard it or who this guy was just yet.

Harry returns to his classroom before Niall gets the chance to ask any questions, his eyes widening in surprise when he sees his husband.

"Niall? What are you doing here?" Harry asks, his eyes flicking towards Quentin for just a second before returning to Niall.

"I was hoping we could talk?" Niall says but it comes out as more of a question than anything. Harry had asked for space and here Niall was... not giving him space.

"Now? I've only got like twenty minutes till the kids are back." Harry says, but Niall feels like it's an excuse more than anything else.

"It won't take long. Just a few minutes." Niall promises, earning a sigh from Harry before he finally nods.

"Okay... Quentin, would you give us a few minutes?" Harry asks, looking at the third person in the room. Niall had honestly forgotten he was there, finding him completely irrelevant. Quentin walks out of the classroom, leaving Harry and Niall alone.

"So..." Harry starts, trailing off as he looks at Niall.

"I want you to come home." Niall says and Harry lets out a sharp laugh, shaking his head a little as he leans against the wall. Niall thinks about closing the distance between them, but it was clear Harry didn't want that. Niall felt like there was a wall up and Harry's walls were nearly impossible to break down once they were up.

"I know... I know you're angry with me, H... And I'm sorry for being an idiot and a dick and just an all around asshole this past week... But I can't fix anything if you don't give me the chance to do so. I want this to work,  Harry. I want us to work." Niall says, maintaining eye contact with his husband as Harry shakes his head.

"I asked for space, Niall."

"And I gave it to you." Niall says, trying to keep his voice steady as yelling would only make the situation worse. 

"You gave me three days." Harry shoots back, folding his arms across his chest and quirking his eyebrows, almost as if he was daring Niall to say something else. 

"I'm just asking you to come home for one night, Harry. I'm not asking you to just forgive me right now, you have every right to be angry with me... Just one night, that's all I'm asking of you." Niall says quietly, moving from his spot against the desk and walking over to his husband. He grabs one of Harry's hands, kissing the knuckles softly before he rests his other hand on Harry's waist. 

"One night, H." Niall whispers and Harry lets out a sigh before he finally nods. 

"Fine, I'll come home but you're sleeping on the couch." Harry says, trying his best to remain upset with Niall but he was already melting underneath his touch. Niall had always been able to do that. 

"I wouldn't have it any other way." 


hi friends, it's been a week again. 

i've been trying to get this up all week, but my grandma fell on tuesday and broke her shoulder so i haven't had much time between work and checking up on her. i don't really know how this week is going to go tbh, so don't be surprised if i drop off the face of the planet again this week. i'm trying to get back into reading my messages and replying, but it's just not happening right now. 

so yeah, there's connie trying to cover her ass again. 

oh well. 

anyways, thank you guys so much for all the love on this story. it really lifts my spirits tbh lol. 


dedication goes to NarryNut1211




connie xx 

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