Black stallion

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Nara shouldn't keep smiling like that. It keeps distracting me. I'm working my notes in one corner of the room while the rest clean up the mess. The managers were pretty pissed because the girls needed to practice. I tucked the writing pad under my folded arms and let out a breath. I was working on some songs before we came back from holiday and Bang pd started saying things like how I never disappointed him. I asked him if something's the matter and he only patted my back telling me not to worry.

"You boys are getting older", he said, "and I only wish what's best for all of you. I want you to enjoy life as much as you can before you're my age and your bones start turning brittle"

I don't think he realized how much he was scaring me with that talk. I sighed in relief when he told me about the collaboration. It was only that. Not even a song collaboration. An event. But with that talk he gave us, I suspected an ulterior motive.

"You work too much", is what he told me after Nara left the office. "And I fear all that stress is going to kill you one day"

I kept quiet.

He kept telling me to let loose and to find a hobby that isn't related to my work. Then he laughed and said,"look at me, teaching you how to slack off. What kind of a boss does that make me?"

"The best boss in the world"

I expected him to laugh at this or make a pun but he looked at me with that evil glint in his eyes and I could almost hear the wheels turning in his head. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again, shaking his head. "Do me a favor Namjoon-ah"


"Take good care of Nara for me. You may think she's old enough to take care of herself, that she's strong, but you don't know her like I do. She's not just weak, she's fragile. It won't take more than one blow to break her. Do you understand me?"

I didn't understand why he thinks she's weak, but I nodded for him to go on.

"I fear that people will take advantage of her nature. She's too trusting for her own good. That's why I'm asking this of you. I need you to make her realise that not every person is a good human being"

"I understand", I said, "but why me, though? Wouldn't it be easier for one of her members?"

"It's not like that", he clasped his hands, looking into my eyes and speaking softly to make me understand, "the members look up to her. Even the leader, Lizzy. They think she's perfect. Saying that she's more vulnerable than any one of them will only make them feel insecure and they'll worry for nothing"

I didn't have any doubts to what he said. After being a leader for ten years, the emotions of my members were transparent to me. I could tell right away if anyone was putting up an act for the camera's sake. I wondered if she was doing the same thing right now. Why, though? There were no cameras in this room. What happened yesterday was a big deal. Such incidents were notoriously stressful and with her own psychological issues, I have no idea how she can poke Hobi's back with a mop then turn away like nothing happened while smirking mischievously.

But Bang pd said she was weak.

So is she going to act like nothing's wrong and cry when no one's watching?
I sighed and got up, grabbing my stuff as I left the practice room. Maybe I do need to slack off.  I went to my studio and turned on the computer. I checked out their album, very cool stuff. I made a sticky note to remind myself to buy one and posted it on the calendar on my desk. I turned off the computer screen and put my arms behind my head, staring at the ceiling. My phone pinged a few minutes later. It was a text from Jimin.

*BTGS' Lee Nara exposed - youtube*

I frowned.
*What is this?*

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