Think twice

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Nara's POV

It came in the form of Jackson Wang.

The distraction I needed to get home safe.

A little after sunrise, I remember how startled I was at the sudden sound.

He started waving frantically with a giddy smile that showed his teeth, walking up to the two of us with a bounce in his step. I hid behind RM, fisting the material of his jacket and burying my face in it when Jackson peeked to see who I was.
"...aah~ don't be shy! We're on the same side"

"What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean what am I doing? You called me for the first time in my entire life and asked me for an ideal location for a date. You must be mad for thinking I wouldn't show up! And move, will you? I want to see the face of the woman that brought color to my life"

"Brought color to your.....what are you talking about?"

"Bruh, did you not hear me? You, Kim RM called me, Wang Jackson, on the phone. This is a milestone for my.....", I didn't hear any of it. Not the beginning nor the end of their conversation. I was busy you see, hiding my face from my ultimate bias and trying not to pass out from hearing his voice, his presence breathing the same air as me right now. It was a mistake to pop open one eye because because he peeked at me in that exact same moment and our eyes met. I hid my face again.
"LEE NARA!", he exclaimed loudly. I heard the repeating sound of feet hitting concrete and figured he must be jumping to catch a glimpse of me hiding behind the idol who was taller than both of us. "Namjoon-ah, it's Nara, isn't it? Holy, I can't believe you're actually dating Lee Nara!"

"We're not-", he cut his own words when Jackson squealed in a high pitch, jumping aggressively.

"Let me see! Let me see!"

RM sighed in defeat, moving aside. Only I didn't let him, grabbing on tighter and making a sound through my nose as I pressed my face harder against his back.

Don't move don't move don't-

"Oh my god, she's SO CUTE!", Jackson giggled.

I froze.

My bias called me cute.
My bias took a photo of me trying to hide from him.
My bias asked me for an autograph and made me sign my name on some official looking document printed out in cantonese.
My bias gave me RM's keys so I could drive home without having to wait for someone to come pick me up.

There was a reason he was my bias, I giggled to myself as I drove back to the dorm. Maybe today wouldn't turn out to be as bad as I had thought.

"You're back", Ayano greeted me as I was taking off my shoes, "but where is unnie?"

I paused, "Fengh's not home yet?". She shook her head. "Did you try calling?", I asked.

"We thought she was with you"

I frowned, placing my shoes in the rack. "It's probably nothing", I assured the girl, "maybe she had a meeting with someone and forgot to leave a note"

Lizzy was organising her closet when I confronted her on the matter.
"You know better than to worry", she said, dusting a curdory blazer and folding it neatly, "she can take care of herself"

"So you're really not tracking her phone?"

She smiled, "that's confidential, my dear"

"Lizzy", my tone was dead serious, "she started smoking again"

Lizzy sighed, putting down the garment she was folding. "Fine, Nara. If you really must know, she spent an hour at the Han river bridge, visited a pawn shop and is currently at the Chinese embassy. She isn't picking my calls and you didn't hear any of this from me"

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