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Nara's POV

"Hey,...kook", I say a little warily. He sits across from Bambam and they shake hands. Lisa extends her hand towards him and he hesitates before shaking it, awkwardly letting go and clearing his throat.

"So...", I start and he looks up from his lap. "I didn't know you were in Thailand"

"Actually, I just arrived this morning"

A waiter walks up to us to take our orders. He walks away as soon as he came when Lisa makes a sign with her fingers which I think means, 'the usual, please'

"We don't have much going on and the four of us decided to take a trip instead of lying around in the dorm all day", Jungkook explains.

What's that Jieun said about pent up energy?

"So you're not here alone?"

"No, there's...", he counted on his fingers, "....V hyung, Jimin-hyung and Jin-hyung. I was originally going to travel alone but Jin-hyung wouldn't allow me"

"They treat you like such a baby", Lisa commented when our drinks arrived. I watched in amusement as Jungkook's ears turned red. Bambam laughed, "its not entirely their fault when you do act like one, Jungkook-ah"

"I don't act like a baby", he defended.

"Oh yeah? Care to explain why you call Nara 'noona' when she's clearly younger than you?"

A soft pink dusted across the tops Jungkook's cheeks and his nose as he opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, trying to think of a comeback. Except, there was none. I was younger than him by two weeks and he knew that. It just happened that he called me noona when we first met, thinking that I was older. I didn't correct him back then because he really didn't look like a seventeen year old. I thought he was fifteen, to be honest.

"T-that's because....", he stuttered and Bambam raised a brow.

"It's alright", Lisa softly patted his arm, sending a look to Bambam that said 'shut up'. Bambam chuckled under his breath, looking away. What no one noticed was the way Jungkook stilled and held his breath until Lisa removed her hand from his arm. He blew out his cheeks.
"What?", he said when he caught me staring.

"Nothing", I said casually, slurping loudly on my drink.

Jeon Jungkook , I gotcha.


I like the beats. The lyrics are also skilfully written. It was originally a ballad but pdogg had successfully tweaked it into an edgy song. The cherry on top was the contemporary dance choreographed for two people that fit in flawlessly with every beat. A piano version was recorded to replace the acoustic melody and everyone is convinced that this will be the song. The highlight of the first Hit it - home party. Everyone, that is, but me. They asked me, of course, of what I thought about it. I just shrugged, saying that it's nice.  I couldn't help but feel that there was something missing. It seemed so incomplete. 'You're being delusional', argued the rational side of my brain. 'The only reason you feel uneasy about it is because it's Lee Nara's song'.

That was true. It is Nara's solo song from two years back. Or, some part of it anyway. The original version was only two minutes long. The lyrics were extremely painful. Just hearing them could make a person feel sad.

....a false heart to love you, a stone heart to care.....

.....smile babygirl it's your wedding day....

.....A sad fate it is; Of a teenager that's never rebelled....

Just what was the matter with that girl? She seems to be surrounded by misery in everything she does. Anyways, the remix version was prepared and ready. All that was left for it to be finalized was the artist's OK signal. The artist in question was due to arrive later today. She'll be a little taken aback at the surprise, no doubt. I could only hope it won't be an unpleasant one.

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