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Bolded words are the characters speaking in english.


I woke up at five am.

It was a scream. A series of wails. And sobs. Guttural crying sounds. I shot out of bed, somehow managing not to trip as I dashed over to the door and yanked it open like my life depended on it. There were three people in the corridor. Aera, the focus of the uproar was bawling her eyes out while clutching on to a silent Ayano, repeatedly wailing how everything was her own fault.
"Shush", Sunhee was patting her back soothingly, trying to get her to calm down, "it's not your fault. It's no one's fault.."

"What happened?", I asked, stepping into the corridor. A door opened to my right, revealing a sleepy Suga. "....Namjoon? What's going on?"

"Nara unnie had a nightmare again", Ayano deadpanned. That's when my eyes finally landed on the open door of Aera's hotel room. I rushed in without another thought, right when Fengh came out of the adjoining bathroom with a seemingly unconscious Nara draped in her arms. She didn't stop to acknowledge my presence, carrying the girl bridal style over to the bed. Nara looked ghostly pale, fingers snagged in the front of Fengh's shirt with a deep frown marring her features, pale blue lips pushed up in a pout. But her eyes were closed and she made a pained noise when Fengh tried placing her down on the bed.
"Close the lights, sunbae"

The words didn't register in my brain until she called again, "SUNBAE"

I moved, but Yoongi got to the switch before me, flicking it off. The room was plunged into darkness, the only light being the one streaming in from the open bathroom door.

"Call Ayano"

Yoongi hyung was quick on his feet, leaving to call the girl before my brain even processed the words. I moved closer, trying to get a good look at the unconscious girl lying under Fengh in only a bathrobe. Her hair was dripping wet, sticking to her face and she shivered when Fengh removed her hands.

"What happened?", I asked.

I didn't get an answer as Nara shivered again, the older girl immediately putting a hand on her forehead. I heard footsteps hastily enter the room and Ayano flanked my side. "Clothes", Fengh muttered and the Japanese immediately got to throwing open the cupboard. Fengh made a series of cooing noises, pushing away the hair from Nara's face and patting her head till the creases on her forehead disappeared and her grip slackened. A serene, almost peaceful expression took over her features and Fengh took it as the cue to remove her hands from clutching on her shirt. I looked around the hotel room and a trail of clothes leading to the bathroom caught my attention. I picked them up, placing them in a heap on the dresser and entered the bathroom to investigate.

The inside was a draining flood. Water trickling down the sides of an over-flowing bathtub, three running taps that turned the tiled floor into a lake. I turned off the taps, standing with my hands on my hips as I tried to figure out exactly what had happened.

Did she fall asleep while taking a bath? Who in their right mind takes a bath at five in the morning? Then, was she sleep-walking? Probable. She was sleep-walking in the company too.

I turned off the lights and closed the door behind me. Hoseok was there, along with a lost looking Taehyung standing in the door. He must've woken up when I ran out of the room. Hoseok was rooming with Suga so it was no doubt that Aera's crying woke him up. His brows were set in a light frown, lips turned down and jaw working. Contrary to him, Taehyung looked alarmed and a whole new level of scared. I walked over to the door and patted his shoulder, "we should go", I said and he nodded, biting his lip and blinking slowly. Aera was still crying hysterically in the hallway, apologizing for matters unknown to me. Sunhee was trying to console her by saying something like switching rooms and in the moment, I was glad Jimin and Jungkook had their room in a corner on the other wing.

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