Girl talk

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"Na nana na lala la laaa....."

Did I kill someone in my past life?

"Uhm hm hmm-hmm hm~"

Stop, please.

"This is the way we-OW!"

I peeked open an eye from my position on the settee. Arms behind my head and a paperback of 'the good earth' lying facedown on my stomach, opened to the last page I was reading. All I had wanted was to catch an afternoon nap after a tiring day and of course Kim Taehyung had to ruin it. It all began more than a week ago when the lad had knocked over a whole bottle of pear extract. Long story short, he was washing the covers today, still in his pj's with a pink bow to keep the hair out of his eyes. He washed them once in the morning, then called up Jin because the stains were still there. Jin-hyung in turn, after chewing out the younger's ears explained that he should wash them manually, scrub like cinderella and scrub some more to get them out or he wouldn't be allowed to go to the ball. Mall, in this situation, so Taehyung quit his whining and instantly got to work. His work consisted of a lot of splashing and thrashing in the bathroom then the dribbling of soapy water all over the house as he carried the covers from one end to another to put them to dry. He could've used the bathroom nearest to the laundry room but since common sense and Taehyung don't belong in the same sentence, he slipped and fell on the third trip. It was a sight to see, the way he fell with a split, one leg forward and the other behind him, mouth open with no sounds coming out as his eyes watered up. If he didn't look up to me as the leader and a responsible hyung, I would've bust a gut right then. It was Jungkook that did the busting guts thing, rushing over from his room when he heard the fall but now holding onto the wall for support as he wheezed, pointing at the distressed damsel trying hard not to cry. I pursed my lips to keep from laughing myself as I got up to help, placing the book on the coffee table. Taehyung still had his mouth hanging open, blinking back tears that threatened to spill out. I was two steps from helping him up when Jungkook held my arm to stop me.
He shook his head, "not you".
I didn't take offence because who am I kidding? They don't call me god of destruction for nothing.
He removed his hold from my arm and walked up to Taehyung from behind. He put his hands at the latter's armpits, grip tight as he hoisted him up in one swift motion. He swayed a little, one foot slipping and I was impressed when he instantly regained his balance, holding his ground despite the soapy water.

"Are you alright?", he asked with a laugh, still not letting go of the older male. Taehyung didn't answer, using the maknae's hold to try and stand upright. Jungkook let go when he did, holding his hand instead.
"Can you walk?"

Taehyung took a step forward and slipped again. Jungkook darted his arm out just in time to break his fall. He laughed again and I joined him while Taehyung chuckled in embarrassment at his own clumsiness. Jungkook helped him to the settee that I was lying on earlier then picked up the dripping wet covers.
"Hyung~", he drawled, amusement not running out of his voice,"there's too much soap! You need to rinse them again"

Taehyung made a noise at the back of his throat, wincing audibly when he moved his leg. Clearly, he had pulled a muscle. Jungkook chuckled one last time before attempting to fix what Taehyung had started. He hopped over to the laundry room and I grabbed a mop to clean up the mess. I went to my room when I was done and plopped down on the bed. I closed my eyes and sighed in content at the peace and quiet. After that talk with the Chinese brat, I really needed it. Peace.
I don't hold grudges or even try to get back at people that do me wrong. I believe myself to be a peaceful spirit floating along the stream of life, Gaea, and that it was purely out of a sense of humanity that I tried to bring a truce between us. We had a pretty civil conversation up until I cracked a lame joke about her being related to Suga, a failed attempt at trying to lighten the atmosphere. She had been so conservative with her emotions, speaking in monotone though it was evident how sensitive she was to the matter that I couldn't stop the words from coming out of my mouth. But I would be lying if I didn't find amusement in the way her eyes darkened and her nostrils flared. It reminded me of a dragon and I had once again cracked a pun on her fire breathing ancestors. She had mumbled something under her breath, gritting her teeth in fury and I instantly apologized.
"Remember one thing...", she said in a restrained voice and if she wasn't such a brat, I would actually have felt a tiny bit intimidated, "...if you touch a hair on her head, I won't hesitate to bring you down"

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