I've got you

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Incase y'all are getting confused: italics with apostrophes are past recollections. Italics are recollections (except when they're not. But that will be evident). And italics with these ("_") is just for emphasis on dialogue. I hope that's clear.

*Rolls up sleeves*

Let's do this


In the fall of 1997 a twenty-one year old woman gave birth at a neighborhood maternity home in a lower-class society in Busan. two months later, the same baby was discovered abandoned at the doorstep of the orphanage in the same neighborhood. Tracing the birth of the girl to hospital records was a piece of cake. Tracing the mother was deemed impossible. But a woman can not just vanish into thin air.

'It is possible', said the detective incharge of missing persons, 'That the mother abandoned the babe to protect her. There are a lot of gangs in this part of town'

His implication was that the woman was indebted to a group of repeat offenders and/or people engaging in illegal trade activities and had abandoned the babe so they wouldn't take away her child as a form of negotiable payment. A very colourful theory, if you ask me. Only that it wasn't the case.

The woman before me sat with the grace of a swan. Her hair was greying and her clothes were faded over time, but wrinkles could do little to dull her charm. The same excited eyes, the same button nose. A small smile flickered on her lips, modest like the flame of a candle. Dimples, I learned, had been inherited from the father. She spoke to me in an unreserved manner, as if we were old acquaintances. Matters about that friends have seldom need to discuss.

"I don't suppose I need to explain what an abusive relationship is"

I am sorry for your loss.

Lee Nara - read the note tucked between the folds of the bundle. The baby, swathed in a fuzzy blue blanket ten times her size, slept peacefully in the arms of the matron. A woman by the name of Lee Naeyeon had purchased a train ticket to seoul. But the mother had never left the city. She would be discreet in keeping an eye out for her daughter. And unknown to the world, made sure that her child was being cared for.
The child was quiet. Mr. and Mrs. Ahn would grow concerned as she grew up. The child was always quiet. It was not possible for her to have rejected them. She was barely eight months when the couple whisked her away to another life that Naeyeon prayed would be the best for her baby. Then Ahn's took their new daughter to counselling, where they were assured that there was no need for worry. It was a personality trait. The girl was blessed to be obedient and loyal. Something that lacks in today's generation. She would grow up to be a charming young lady.

'...a sad fate it is; Of a teenager that's never rebelled...'

Lee Nara was doted upon immensely by every other person that she came into contact with. The pretty and adorably shy asian girl, not so shy when you get to know her. And it had been pure nostalgia that kept Mrs. Ahn from destroying evidence of her daughter's birth. Ahn Nabi - she had named her. Lee Nara - read the passport; another fact that led the members of BTGS to never suspect a double name.

'The Ahn's kept me updated. Lovely people'

Intelligent people. They had hired a P.I. to track down the mother and proceeded with the adoption only after making sure that they weren't in for a scam. Lee Naeyeon's explanations were found to be legit and pity had driven them to send videos and pictures of the girl's growing up. She was grateful for the kind acts that were in another sense, the broken promise of a life that could've been. She begged them to stop.

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