All the king's men - the chp

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She's beautiful.

She's not breathing.

Her eyes do that fluttery thing where she blinks fast and hard because she's a little slow to understand what's happening. She sucked in a breath right as she saw me slipping on the ring and still hasn't resumed breathing. Then her mouth slowly opens and it's another few seconds before she gasps. Her eyes move from the silver to find my own and they're so wide in surprise and so utterly beautiful that it leaves me smiling like a creep. She looks at the ring, then at me, back at the ring and she frowns. A cute little pucker of her brows and the evidence of a confused pout on her parted lips. She removes her hand from my hold and I let her. She brings it up to her face and squints at the band in the dark. I purse my lips, feeling proud as heck but still waiting for her reaction. She squints harder and gasps again, eyes widening to newer levels.
"I-... I-is...", her voice cracks and she stops to aggressively clear her throat. I don't stop the huge grin that plasters itself on my face.
"Is that a butterfly?"

From this angle all I can see is her down profile and maybe I should use this angle more often. She looks down at me with still blown eyes and all I do is look back.


She tilts her head as she studies it and a few strands of hair fall over her face. I brush them back on impulse and she's too captivated by the ring to react. Wich is a good thing. I personally had the detail engraved into the silver. Subtle, but still there. A sweet little butterfly.
I wanted to ask if she liked it, but the words wouldn't make it past my throat. The sheer wonder on her face, the stars alight in her eyes...

My butterfly

She looks at me and I smile. Her eyes are a little wet and they flutter a few times in succession. I lift my hand and hold the side of her face.
" I have your answer?"

No matter that chance of rejection is undeniably low. Not after all this time, she wouldn't. But I feel anxious and insecure as I wait. She blinks once. Twice. Then she curls her fingers around my wrist and gently pries my hand away from her face. Keeps it that way as she ducks, hair falling to form a curtain, veiling us from the world. Her lips press softly to mine and it's upside down but it's right and chaste and the sweetest thing on planet earth. 

It's a yes.

Yoongi hyung has been acting weird.

He lifted bang pd's classified file.

Stole it from right under the boss' nose. In his defense, it was right there. He didn't risk carrying it around at the company and brought it straight home. The kids were all in their rooms - a blessing in this situation. If they see him stooping so low, they would think it okay to do such things themselves. I was not pleased at what he did and I honestly expected Jin hyung to flip. And he flipped, oh he did. Just the other way around.

"Give that here!", Jin snatched the bulging file from Yoongi's hands like his life depended on it. He studied the cover with the bold red lettering that read 'Strictly Confidential'. Then hurried to the kitchen and set it down loudly on the island. 

"Hyung!", I called as I towed after him. This was wrong on so many levels. He ignored me, quickly flipping open the mammoth of a file and turning past the first two pages. I turned around to Yoongi hyung but he was engrossed in staring at the now open file. His folded hands were clutching anxiously at the fabric of his sleeves, evidently very eager to know what the contents held. 

This was ridiculous.

"Hyung", I tried again, but Jin was in his own world. His eyes were rapidly scanning over a page, deaf to the world. He read it to the bottom, then started from the top again. Seemingly satisfied that the words were not going to disappear, he slumped largely, a heavy exhale of relief leaving his lungs.

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