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Nara's POV

Sejin hyung confiscated our mobile phones even before we landed.

"You can use all other electronic gadgets. Use your own cameras if you want. But I don't trust you enough to not get carried away so no phones before bedtime. Now hand them over"

We do as we're told. A little begrudgingly, with Sejin hyung having to use some force because Yoongi wouldn't let go. "I need electronic waves to survive"

He gave in eventually and a boat moved us from the hangar to the main island. With only one tenth of the staff we usually travelled with, we had to carry all our luggage by ourselves. Why did I pack so much? But the water was beautiful. It was so clear and sparkling and a greenish-blue so calming to look at.

"This is heavy, father", Sunhee caught up to RM, pulling on his sleeve and giving him puppy eyes. He sighed, taking her duffel bag and slinging it on. With a plan in my head, I caught up to him from the other side. "Mine is heavier!", I whined.


I pouted, stomping my foot. "Why don't you love me? When have I ever let you down?"

He stopped in his tracks, glancing over his head at the sky as he inhaled. He turned to me, "what do you want me to do? Push you around in a stroller?"

Sunhee snickered and RM resumed walking. Well, that was rude.

I caught up to him again. "That was mean, daddy", I pronounced 'daddy' with a little extra venom and was feeling quite proud about it until Sunhee started hitting me with her purse.
"Ow.... stop, stop, stop! Why on earth are you hitting me?"

Sunhee stopped beating me up and resorted to glaring at me with wide eyes instead. With a flushed face and the heaving of her chest with every breath she looked downright outraged. A few steps behind her on the path, RM stood like a blank statue, staring into nothingness. He wasn't even blinking. "What's wrong with him?", I barely took a step when Sunhee grabbed me by the arm and yanked me back around. She started marching forward like a girl on a mission, dragging me along while muttering curses under her breath.
"What's wrong?"

"Unnie, I love you but you need to shut up"

We wanted to stay in the cabins. The little hi-tech redwood huts lined out by the beach. What we got was the last floor of a five star (or was it seven?) hotel, nowhere near as exciting. But God have mercy on the hotel staff because we wrecked havoc fighting over the reserved bedrooms, running around yelling and banging doors. But we all needed to shower and get ready so when Jungkook voted for rock-paper-scissors the deal was done and over with. Sheer luck provided me with the very room I wanted. I had to room with Aera, who wanted the one with emerald greens walls instead - Hobi's win. Aera had to dye her hair the natural black color for her disguise. Everyone but Jungkook and Fengh had their natural colours.

Yeah yeah, I know. RM is black too and he looks dashing but it's not like I noticed, you know


I changed into a beige full sleeved inner and pulled on a white ankle-length beach dress.

I changed into a beige full sleeved inner and pulled on a white ankle-length beach dress

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