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Towards evening, Sejin had put together a surprise for us at the beach. Various colorful cushions placed in a circle around a cluster of decorative scented candles in the center. With the glow of sand under candlelight and the backdrop of a beach sunset, it looked magnificent. Sejin hyung said that we had two hours to play (what are we, kids?) before dinner. We could play drinking games or whatever the heck we wanted as long as nothing got out of control. He left Suga in charge. We could play cards, but there's too many people. Truth or dare, but majority thought it would be boring because everyone knows too much about everyone else and it would result in girls against boys which wasn't something I was looking forward to.

"How about never-have-I-ever?", Taehyung suggested.

Sounds of agreement and nods came from everyone present.

"I'll go fetch the alcohol", Ayano got up, followed by Sunhee. I went along with them because we needed more than four hands to carry enough alcohol for twelve people. Jimin tagged along (because he's an angel in disguise) and we were back within five minutes, distributing cans of beer and a bottle of red wine for Aoi and Jungkook.

"What about me?", Nara asked in a wounded voice, pouting at her members, who had seemingly forgotten that she isn't allowed to drink due to health problems. "Here", I tossed her a bottle of guava juice I picked up along with the beer. Her eyes sparkled as she caught it, widening as she read the label. She gasped loudly, "Oh my god.......WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS?!"

"You like it?", I asked, settling on one of the cushions. "I LOVE IT!", she exclaimed, clutching the bottle to her chest, "really, I-...if you were a girl I'd kiss you!"

"No, listen-", Aera waved her hands in my face.

"-she, uh, she doesn't-", Sunhee cut her, forming an 'x' with her hands.

"-mean it like that", Ayano completed the sentence, assuring me that they're beloved unnie is actually not gay even if she sounds exactly like it. Everyone else was laughing at the scene except Yoongi-hyung who had an amused smirk planted on his face and Fengh, who was also, smirking in amusement.

"Okay, okay", Hoseok cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention, "that's enough now. Shall we start the game?"

"You start the game", Taehyung replied.

"Eh? Why me?"

"Because you said so", Jimin, the classic victim of falling prey to his own suggestions took enjoyment in Hobi's plight.

"Okay, well", he cleared his throat again, "never have I ever......been in a relationship", he took a sip of his beer, frowning incredulously at the untouched drinks all around. "You have got to be kidding me"

We all shook our heads except for Fengh. She took some time thinking before lifting the can and taking a tiny sip. "Never had a boyfriend", she explained, "but I'm engaged if you call that a relationship"


Okay, that was all of us. All eleven of us. "You didn't know?", Jimin asked of the rest of the girls, who shook their heads in shock. Sunhee had a look of utter disbelief as she asked, "when in the entirety of time and space did a person like you get engaged?"

Fengh took no offence to the jibe, looking up at the sky as she thought it over in her head. "Five....?", she frowned, "no, six. I was six years old"

I think I dislocated my jaw?

"Who asks the next question?", she straightened up, frowning when no one answered her. It's not like we could, anyway. Our jaws were practically glued to the floor. "It's me, then", she said with finality. "Never have I ever had a fist fight"

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