Wine, Dine and Divine

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Nara's POV

RM was not allowed to move from his place while everyone else helped out with the dinner arrangements. He couldn't possibly help in the kitchen and as Yoongi put it, making him set the dinner plates is like asking for disaster. So he took a seat two tables away and for some reason unknown to me, keeps avoiding my eye.

Not that I'm complaining.

After all the embarrassing things I've done, I'd rather not be in the same province as him. But he looks like a deer caught in headlights whenever I risk a glance his way. He looks away too quick and starts to fidget while blinking rapidly. And it's strange. But I shrug it off and keep watching everyone work while the side of my face is pressed on the table. Jungkook carrying an electric piano on one shoulder and asking Jieun where to plug it in. Background music was everyone's idea and three people were already milling around the equipment to choose from the tracks. Taehyung and Fengh were making the most of their heights to hoist up the canopy and decorate it with fairy lights. RM tried to help with that despite Tae's polite decline in offer and almost brought down the whole arrangement. If Fengh wasn't standing on the table, the tipping beam would've cracked open Seokjin's head. Jin was startled, but thankfully didn't drop the ceramic pot as he ducked his head and hunched his shoulders, waiting for the impact to hit him. Fengh with her monster reflexes and even monstrous strength had balanced it one hand to stop two inches above his head, the other hand holding up the string of lights. He sincerely thanked Fengh for saving his life and spent the next two minutes cussing RM.
       I laughed but had to clutch my stomach because it hurt to do so. Periods are the worst because they are dishonest. It hurt this much even with near zero flow. And the dizziness, Gahd!

Loss of blood is a viable reason to feel dizzy but, this? I demand an audience with mother nature!


Ugh. Why me?

I lifted my head from the table to look at Jungkook. He was standing behind RM along with Jimin and Hoseok, who had his elbow propped on RM's shoulder in a show of dominance. They were all looking at me with identical smirks while RM looked like someone just called him Runch Randa. Pale.

"Nice jacket", the maknae flashed his teeth. I frowned, replying him with an unsure 'thanks'. Jin snickered while piling the napkins and my frown deepened. I played with the leather sleeves, convinced that something was definitely wrong with the garment. It wasn't new - that much was certain. But perhaps it had a stain that I didn't notice? I pulled it from one side, scanning the back for stains. Or was it perhaps torn at a seam? Inspection revealed a negative. Then why was every other person complementing it and giving me suspicious side glances?

All the arrangements were done and soft music played in the background as Yoongi and Jimin started to serve the first course. Mrs.Jung left after telling us to holler if we need anything. Mr.Jung would be back anytime now after seeing off the family of his future son-in-law and the couple would leave us to our own devices. Lizzy sat to my left and Jieun took the seat next to me while Jiwoo-unnie sat at the head of the table two seats to my right. Hoseok sat at the end of the table as far away from her as possible but also in full frontal view for attack. Across from me was Jimin, happy at having gotten the best seat for watching any possible dramatic occurances.

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