What's a virginity?

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"Hello?", I called out, taking slow steps forward so as not to barge in on the person's privacy. At first, I didn't see anyone. It was the faint sound of singing that guided my steps to the back wall of the building. Over there, behind a pillar was a soft light like that of the screen of a mobile phone. "Hello?", I called out again, growing alarmed at the sight of a human hand lying limp near the source of light. I sprinted the remaining distance, a dozen scenarios requiring medical help going through my head. I dropped to my knees near the body, wrenching back the fabric over the person's face. I swear my heart jumped into my throat at the sight of the girl lying as if dead on the cold cement floor. I checked her breathing and her pulse, heaving a breath in relief when I discovered that she was only sleeping. Her skin was a little cold but not a cause for concern since she had so conveniently cocooned herself in a blanket. The sound was coming from the phone, which upon inspection seemed to be on speaker phone. It had grown silent upon my intrusion. I was in the act of covering her up properly with the blanket when a woman's thickly accented voice came through,

"Hello?", I answered.

"Who is this? Where's Nabi?"

A nickname?

"She fell asleep, ma'am"

"Please tell me you're not outdoors right now"

"Well...", I debated whether to tell her the truth. "...can I ask if you're a relation of Nara's?"

"Me? Oh, she's my daughter. Dear, you must be her colleague. I apologize for your inconvenience but you see-", there was shuffling on the other end of the line. An exchange of words that was muffled before another voice spoke up. "Who the hell are you?"

My eyebrows shot off my face at the sudden outburst. Was this her dad? "I-", before I could answer, the line cut off. The screen blacked out and I sighed while brushing back the hair on Nara's face. Weird people come from weird families. I put the coffee cups on the pillar and dusted her phone, slipping it inside my pocket. I rolled her to lay on her side, slipping a hand behind her back and the other under her knees to lift her up. She weighed more than a feather and I stumbled two steps before hiking her up in my arms with a grunt. I mentally thanked whichever god blessed her with baby genes as she shifted in my hold, tucking her face under my chin and curling up to make herself comfortable. All wrapped up in a blanket and with her cute little fists resting loosely on my chest, she really did look like a baby. Oh, how I wished I could take a picture.
Yoongi-hyung stopped in his tracks upon seeing me coming down the stairs. I explained the situation and he nodded wordlessly, escorting me to Nara's hotel room. The door opened from the inside just as we stopped in front of it. I didn't expect to be met with Fengh's blank face as she looked between me and the bundle in my arms. Yoongi hyung said that he would wait for me and left the scene. A little suspicious if you ask me, but I would have to wait until later to ask him about it.
"She fell asleep on the terrace", I explained, to which Fengh narrowed her eyes. Then she closed her eyes and sighed, muttering something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like, 'if she doesn't kill herself, I will'. She held two bony arms and I took it as a sign to 'hand it over'. I tried placing her in Fengh's hands, only it seemed that Nara had different plans. She let out a whine, clutching the fabric of my shirt and pressing her face into my chest. Fengh frowned, trying again with added force only to elicit the same reaction. She put her hands on her hips, "come inside"

Ayano was sitting up on the bed in a half awake state and she moved to give me space. Putting Nara down on the bed was a struggle. She wouldn't let go of my shirt, her grip so tight I thought the cotton would tear.

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