fatty foodstuff

22 2 7

[Double update]

Here's your order. Enjoy~


"Do you want to add fruit?"

"Hm? No, it's okay"

"Are you saying that because you don't know where the knives are?"

She looked away. I laughed and she pouted. She lifted her hand swatted my side with a sweater paw.


Her eyes widened in alarm but then she saw my expression -lips pursed and trying not to laugh -and pouted even more, brows furrowing and nose scrunching. Like an angry kitty. 

I filled the bowls with milk and carried them to the living room. She followed with the spoons and we had a quiet uninterrupted silent awkward breakfast.

It was almost as if we were back to square one.

Me- being too obvious and her- ignoring me.

She ate like a normal person while my spoon kept clanging against the bowl. It clanged rather exceptionally one last time and her eyes directed towards my clumsy ass hands. She stared for a beat longer and I grew conscious. She blinked, then slowly put her spoon back in the now empty bowl. She raised her index finger to point.
"What happened to your hand?"

Oh, that.

A reddish bluish mark on the side of my palm, just below my index finger.

"You bit me"

She looked scandalized. Cute. "No I didn't!"

"Aw, don't be embarrassed"

She huffed and got up from the couch, speedwalking in the direction of the kitchen. There's a first-aid kit there, I know because Debby told me. Nara stopped in her tracks upon my next words.
 "I thought it was cute"

Turning around, she gasped loudly. Cutely.
"You're a monster!"

"That is my name, yes"

Her eyes widened, a pretty pink blush spreading over her cheeks. Her eyes fluttered, "I'm not going to win today, am I?"

Nara's POV

He kept on looking.

I felt my face heat up from embarrassment. He kept looking and I shifted on my feet, fiddling my fingers. His eyes took in all my movements and he sighed, resting his cheek in his palm. He still looked, but despite the smugness his gaze was....gentle?

I fidgeted some more.

He put his face in his hands let out a funny sort of noise.

"Come here", he demanded.

I only had the time to raise my brows before he was getting up and closing the distance in big strides. he crushed me to his chest in a hug, squeezing me in from all sides. "Lee Nara", he deadpanned from above. "Do you have any idea how much I love you?"

I froze.


He pulled away and held me at arm's length, lowering himself to my eye-level. He looked happy. Euphoric. He was grinning the largest I ever saw him and I-


"I-", didn't know what to say. My eyes were blown and I blinked nineteen to the dozen, not knowing where to look and...he.....squealed. He let go of my shoulders and cupped both sides of my face, making me look up. Then he squished in my cheeks until my lips resembled a pouting fish and pecked them softly. I blinked twice. He hung his head all of a sudden, making that funny noise again. When he looked up, his face was alight and his eyes were glassy. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was glowing. His lips were pursed tight, as if he was trying very hard to form a semblance of control. But then he hauled me up by the armpits and I figured he lost it. He lifted me over his head and held me there. As if I was an abandoned pup and weighed no more than a three year old. I was at a loss for words, gaping while my hair fell all over his face, hands clutching at his shoulders for purchase.

"What are you doing?", I hissed. "Put-", I shrieked when he started to move.

He had the gall to laugh.

He moved in a slow twirl, laughing at my protests.

Cheeky bastard.

He stopped only when I dug my nails in his shoulders and yelled. He laughed louder though, and surprised me by suddenly throwing me up in the air. Maybe about five inches, but then he caught my startled self and glued me to his being.He caught me at the waist while my arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders. I held on tight and panicky because my feet were dangling in the air and that cheeky, cheeky bastard laughed into the crook of my neck.

"Kim-", I started to scold but cut off when he nuzzled into my skin.

"Kim-", but my mind blanked because he pressed a deliberate kiss in the same spot.

I drew a breath to steel my nerves. I made sure to sound stern when I demanded he put me down.

"No", he cheerfully exclaimed and started to twirl before I could react. He spun in fast circles, making my legs fly to the side. Then to the other side. My feet skid and kicked against his legs as I desperately held on for my life.

"..stop...stop, stop!"

"You're so cute!"

"I'm getting dizzy!", I wasn't, but he doesn't have to know that.

"I love you!"

I gasped. He stopped momentarily and I made use of the opportunity to hook my legs around his waist. No more flying squirrel. I held on with all the strength I had and apparently, he found it funny. I pouted, though he couldn't see it.
"stop laughing...."



Carefully, I unwind my hands and drew back to see his face. His expression wasn't teasing or amused. Something entirely....


Blushing, I realized I couldn't hold his gaze when he looked like that. I proceeded to hide my face by ducking but then shot right back up at his next words.

"Nap time!"

"NAp TiMe-... WHDDA FOOK?"

He threw his head back and laughed.

I am NoT A cHiLD

I stared at him with a frown and a pout. I must've looked cute with my dimples standing out but my mind was roaming elsewhere. Being held up like this for so long, Jieun's fantasies were bouncing off the walls inside my head.

'All that pent up energy'

He's basically carrying me.

"I'm serious, though. We should sleep"

I blinked. "Huh?"

"What?", he frowned lightly. "You don't think so?"

"I...uh...",now? right now? I-

Is it that stage already?

Am I Ready?

He flicked my forehead. "What are you thinking so hard about? We even have your blanky now"


I blushed down to my neck. The whine that escaped as I tried to hide my face was so indeliberate I blushed harder because of it. My head knocked against his chest and I felt the vibrations as he chuckled. He started to walk towards the bedroom.

"I don't know what you're thinking but I'm not leaving until I see you've slept enough"

Is it possible to blush down to the back of your knees?


I believe it is, Lee Nara. After all, everyone is in a similar state after reading that.

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