Takeout Stakeout

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*Just come right in, ok?*

I knocked.


"I told you to come right in!", comes a muffled voice through the door.

The door opens a moment later and a young woman stands in soft clothes, scowling.

"Good to see you too"


Perhaps a combination of argh and aish. I'm not complaining.

I held up the polythene bag in my hand. 

"I brought snacks"

"Oh", she takes it from my hand and examines the contents. "Thank you~". Head still in the bag, she steps aside, letting me in.

"Tacos, Yay!"

She makes it so easy, honestly.

"Where should I put this?"

She looked at the overnight bag I had brought along, noticing it for the first time.

"Ah", she raced to the kitchen and came back empty handed. She pointed with her hands to the second bedroom. "I prepared it just this morning", she grinned and stepped into the room, holding the door open. I followed, coming in and setting my bag on the end of the bed. I slipped out of my coat, looking around the minimalist decor.

"I didn't know you had a brother"

She sits on the mattress with a tiny bounce.

"Shane Ahn. He's like a male version of my mom. Doesn't look Korean"

I nod while taking out necessities from the bag.

"He's a doctor"

"Oh. That's cool. He must be smarter than you"

She narrowed her eyes. "He's smarter than you"


"Taller too"

I laughed. "Okay"

She pulled up her feet, crossing her legs and holding her ankles, rocking gently.

"How long are you gonna stay?"

"Two days"

She pouted suddenly.


"Nothing", she said and pursed her lips.


She shifted positions again, lying on her stomach with her chin on her palms, elbows propped up on the mattress. Just watched me unpack, eyes following every object. She giggled at the koya pyjama set. I smiled. She took a pillow and placed it under her stomach.

"Did you have breakfast yet?"

"I did, at the dorm. Didn't you?"

"I did. Debby brought me fruits as a farewell gift"

"She really won't be back?"

"Nope", she popped the 'p'. "Says she doesn't need to"

"Well", I said but decided no to continue. If she said she didn't need to, that would mean Nara doesn't require her services any longer. That's good. I looked at the girl. "All for the best, hm?"

She nodded but sighed. "I think I'll miss her"

She definitely will. She confided more in Debby than she did in her own bandmates.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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