Save me

52 7 8

Nara's POV

"I apologise for the inconvenience", I said to the choreographer, who waved his hand in dismissal.

"It's not entirely your fault. I shouldn't have acted in haste and waited till you heard it first", he smiles reassuringly, "it happened behind your back and anyways, I like this version better"

"Thank you for understanding me", I bowed my head.

"Don't worry about it. I'm going to see what the other dancers are up to. If you come along, I'm sure we can all work something out"

I thanked him again and he left after telling me to come over at practice room four.

"You got lucky this time", my manager, Debby, remarks. "If you hadn't worked your piece to perfection, there would have been an uproar with the production crew"

I nodded with the knowledge that she spoke truth. She gave a teeny-tiny lecture on my recklessness and told me to get some rest because I had been pulling all-nighters since the last three days. On another note, I was extremely happy that Yoongi approved of the song. I look up to him as a composer and he was like a guru to me in the earlier days. He taught me all I know and I idolise him to no end. I was a little disappointed when RM left without speaking to me. I owe him for helping me and I wanted to hear his opinion on my hard work. It would've taken me a whole week to get it done if he didn't help me out. He shouldn't have ignored me like that.
"HOBIII...!", I hollered when I saw him  lurking in the corridor near the practice rooms.

"NARA-Yah!", his face lit up and he held up his hands. I skipped towards him and grabbed them with my own.

"I DID IT!", I jumped when he did.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!", he started jumping vigorously in his spot and I grinned, mimicking his actions. The two of us were grinning wildly and squealing in high notes when I caught someone's eyes on me and immediately stopped. J-hope looked over his shoulder to follow my gaze and grinned again at the leader standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. I couldn't read his expression because he was wearing shades but boy did he sound pissed when he said, "are you done?"

J-hope nodded and RM turned back into the practice room which is probably where he popped out from. I looked at Hoseok and he made a face, moving his index finger in circular motions while pointing to his head. I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh as we entered the room together. The choreographer waved his hand, gesturing me to come over. I crossed the distance and stood beside Jimin. J-hope went over to where Aoi, Aera and Ayano were memorising new moves. RM and Fengh were talking with other members of staff as Jungkook observed their conversation. Jimin shot me a smile then turned to focus on what the choreographer was saying. There were two dancers, a man and a woman standing next to him. The choreographer explained that he would need some time to tweak the choreography but since I'm here I should have a look at the previous one.

"I've seen it before", Jimin whispered when the dancers took their places. We were sitting on the floor with our backs to the mirrored wall, "it's pretty cool. you'll like it"
His words came true within the next four minutes. The dance was a mix of contemporary and waltz except for the hook part. The moves were intimate but not sensual. It's safe to say that I was satisfied with the choreo. I just can't wait for the improved version. Jimin had already practiced a few times and showed me some of the moves that he pulled off with ease. I applauded his skills and he held out his hand in a charming way, smirking flirtatiously. I accepted it and he pulled me up, intertwining our fingers and placing his other hand on my waist. The song was still playing on repeat and he winked, "shall we?"
I winked back and he giggled, moving his feet and pulling me along in a slow waltz across the clear space in the middle. I've never waltzed for a performance before but thoughts of accidentally stepping on his feet dimmed because it was freestyle. We weren't following the choreo, doing what we wanted as he twirled me around and I outstretched my arms, bending on the waist when he caught me. I dipped lower, fingers grazing the floor and lifted one leg for balance before pushing my weight to my palms. I used his hold on my waist as leverage to perform a cartwheel and jumped to my feet, ending with a dramatic pose. J-hope hooted in the distance and the girls cheered. Jimin clapped while exclaiming in awe and I sat down to steady my breathing before gulping down the water he gave me. I locked eyes with the choreographer and he sent me a small smile before looking away to focus on his work. I brushed away the hair in my eyes and picked up my cap from where it landed, dusting it. I placed it on my lap and attempted to smooth my hair, tightening the rubber band of my ponytail. Jimin sat in front of me with his knees pulled to his chest, hugging them. He tucked his chin and looked at me with a goofy smile plastered on his face.
"What?", I asked, screwing the cap on the bottle.

"You would've been seriously injured if I didn't lift you up in time"

I sucked in my lower lip, matching the mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Thank you for that"

"You surprised me there. I had no idea what to do, Jinjja!", he giggled while covering his mouth, "I thought we stopped but then you suddenly lifted your feet!"

I scrunched my nose at the thought of him failing to support my weight. That would've been nasty.

"I think our teamwork is really awesome, though"

"Teamwork?", I scoffed, "oh puh-lease! Its called chemistry", I leaned in to whisper the last word and smirked while pulling back. Any other person would feel attacked but Jimin only copied my smirk, scooting closer. "Oh, yeah?", he said in a low voice, our foreheads touching. Well, isn't he so smooth?

"Yeah", I whisper, narrowing my eyes suggestively. Which is a feat, considering how my heart was hammering in my chest. He was too close for comfort and I could feel a bead of sweat trail down the side of my head.

Relax, I told myself. It's just Jimin.

"What are you doing?"

Jimin moved away, looking up at Aera who was regarding the both of us with a scandalous expression.

"were you flirting right now?", she looked between us with a smirk and Jimin smiled. He shifted on the floor to sit beside me and put an arm over my shoulder.

"You didn't know?", he asked the girl, faking surprise, "your unnie and I are dating"

Aera gasped, "Sunbae! That's not funny!". She crossed her arms over her chest.

Ayano and Aoi appeared on the scene, contributing to the conversation. Aoi just looked at me while blushing. She had this huge crush on Jimin. Ayano argued that I was already in a relationship with Lizze while Aera snapped back that Fengh and I were married. Yup, it's that bad. Jimin was pretty amused, taking sides with either of them at a time, causing more of a ruckus. At one point, he asked the maknae for her opinion and the poor girl stuttered five times in a single sentence. Meanwhile, I tried not to think about the growing weight of Jimin's arm on my shoulder. It would be rude to just shrug him off and I shifted my feet to sit cross-legged on the floor. He still didn't remove his hand and I felt new sweat forming on my forehead. It couldn't have been more than two minutes. Why was I being like this? I took a deep breath, plastering a smile on my face until Hobi came. He appeared behind us and fisted Jimin's Hoodie, pulling him up like he was a weightless pup. Jimin straightened his clothes and smiled innocently at the older, going back to mochi mode.

"Yes, hyung?"

Hobi put his hands on his hips, voice flat with seriousness and eyes threatening, "...that's my baby sister you were hitting on"

Jimin pouted, wide eyes alert at his hyung's behaviour. I stood up too, standing at attention beside the defendant. I didn't need to but, well, Hobi looked so......scary.

"hyung....", he shut up when Hoseok snagged his collar, jerking him closer as he glared with furious eyes. Jimin gulped.

One, two....

Hoseok's lips twitched and he burst out laughing, landing his spit on Jimin's face who scrunched his eyes in irritation. Jimin swatted away his hand and took a tissue out of his pocket to wipe away the wetness on his face. He scowled, lips twisted in disgust.
"That wasn't funny, hyung"

J-hope snorted, crossing his arms. "That's what you get for being inconsiderate"


I frowned mentally. I couldn't have been that obvious.

"Seriously, I thought you were going to kill me"

Hobi didn't respond to that remark. Instead, he clapped his hands, telling the girls to get back to practice. I looked over at the busy corner of the room and RM was immersed in reading something. Why is he always reading? Anyways, Jungkook sauntered over to where me and Jimin were chatting and a new flow of conversation was initiated. What struck me as odd was the way Hoseok and Jimin kept exchanging meaningful glances.


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