Chapter 6

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The next afternoon Don and Meryl were relaxing in her hospital room. Meryl was disappointed that the doctor said she wanted to keep Meryl in the hospital for a few more days because of everything her body went through; and Don assured her it was fine. He would much rather them stay in the hospital a few more days than something happening to her. He could tell she was down and decided to cheer her up. "Is my girl hungry? I can go down and get some snacks. How does that sound?"

"I'm okay." She looked up at him and immediately got worried. "But I don't think you are."

The truth was Don was exhausted. He really had no idea how long it had been since he slept through the night; but he didn't want her to know that because it would just make her worry more. He had confided in Larry but swore him to secrecy. Larry thought that Don might have a little PTSD after what happened to Meryl; but hoped that Don would be able to work through it on his own. Another reason Don didn't want to say anything to Meryl was because he was also afraid that she would make him take something and he didn't want to take something that would knock him out when she and their babies needed him the most. "What? Of course I am. Don't you worry about me."

"Are you sleeping?" Meryl asked concerned. "Do you need to go home so you..."

Don shook his head as he placed his fingers on her lips to silence her. "I am NOT going anywhere. I told you that the next time I leave this hospital that it will be with you and our wonderfully perfect babies. Sweetheart, I'm really fine. You just gave birth to twins, flatlined and had two surgeries; I am the LAST person you should be worrying about."

"You are always one of the first people I worry about." Meryl said with a kiss to his lips; but could tell she wasn't going to get anywhere. "If you feel up to it; then yes, I would take a snack. Maybe you could get some juice; the extra vitamins would do you a world of good I'm sure. Soon as we get home were getting back to organic and healthy meals; I promise."

Don shook his head. "You have tons of meals frozen and THAT is what we will be eating. I want both of us to be focused on getting these two in a routine. Deal?"

"Deal." Meryl smiled. "Thank you for taking such good care of us."

Don got up as he kissed her cheek. "Just as you do; I'll be back."

"Hey, Don Man?" Meryl said grabbing his hand as he began to walk away.

Don gave her his trademark smile when he turned back around. "Yeah, Darl."

"I love you." She smiled.

Don winked as he gently kissed her lips. "I love you too, beautiful. What brought that on?"

"Just wanted to say it." Meryl said.

Don nodded. "I'm glad; I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm just going down to the cafe."

"I'll be here." Meryl smiled as she watched him walk out and she talked to herself. "Something isn't right; and I'm going to get it out of him."


Don had gone to get him and his wife some snacks and was headed back up to his wife's room when he started feeling worse and worse. He was exhausted. He felt like his arms and legs were extremely heavy. He leaned up against the wall of the elevator, closing his eyes, but immediately opening them when he saw Meryl's lifeless body in his hands. He shook himself back to the present. Knowing he needed a way to get past that so he could sleep; but he didn't know how to. He told himself that at that moment it didn't matter; he just needed to get back to his wife's room before he fainted. That was the last thought he had as he stepped out of the elevator and went down; dropping the snacks and drinks.

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