Chapter 52

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"And relax." Dr. Taylor said as Meryl collapsed back against her husband.

Don wiped Meryl's forehead with a cold cloth and then pressed it to her neck. "You're doing so damn good. I see lots and lots of Bouley in your future."

"And our trip to Maine?" Meryl asked tiredly.

Don felt like something wasn't right with his wife; he nodded and kissed her forehead. "And Maine. Is Meryl still doing okay?"

"Vitals look good." Dr. Taylor said looking at her monitors. "Okay Meryl, I want a really big push with this next contraction. Okay?"

Don helped her sit up. "Here we go."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Meryl screamed. "SSSSHHHHIIIIITTTT! It feels stuck!"

Dr. Taylor nodded. "Lay back a second."

"Is something wrong, Don?" Meryl cried.

Don shook his head as he kissed all over her face. He was burning up from her hot body laid against his; but he didn't care. He wanted to be right there. "No baby; they're just checking on the baby. We're almost there, love; then you can rest."

"Rest with a newborn?" Meryl laughed.

Don winked at her while he placed the wet cloth on the back of her neck. "While we are in the hospital, YES. Rest while you can in here. And I will get you WHATEVER you want to eat."

"Okay Meryl, the baby's shoulders are in the way so I'm going to do an episiotomy." Dr. Taylor said as the nurse got the tool needed. "I'm sorry."

Meryl nodded as she leaned against Don. "Whatever you need to do."

"You're so close, love." Don whispered in her ear. "We're almost there."

Meryl cried as the blade cut her further. "It hurts, so bad."

"Her face is beat red!" Don exclaimed. "This baby needs to come out...NOW!"

Dr. Taylor nodded. "That's what we're doing. One more push."

"I can't, Don!" Meryl cried. "I have nothing left."

Don knew the baby needed to come out...NOW. He got out from behind her and held her head in his hands. "You can do this, Meryl Gummer. There is no other woman with as much strength and determination as you. One more push, baby; and you won't have to do this ever again. Remember my little gift we have scheduled for the winter?"

"Yeah." Meryl smirked knowing he meant the vasectomy. She held out her hand for him to help her up. "I'm ready."

Don nodded at the doctor as he held one hand in his hand and his other arm was holding her up. "Let's meet our baby."

"Okay, Meryl." Dr. Taylor said. "Push."

Don was whispering in her ear. "Push, baby; oh my god, that's it. You got it! You got it!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Meryl screamed as she felt the baby slip from her body. "UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!

Dr. Taylor smiled. "You did it; it's a boy! Time of birth: 11:55pm on September 28th."

"You hear that?!" Don cried as he kissed all over her face as the baby cried. "He's got quite the set of lungs on him already. You did it, Darl. It's a boy. We have a baby boy."

Before Meryl could respond she felt really weak; and hot. "Don...don't feel..."

"Meryl!" Don exclaimed as she went unconscious. He kissed all over her face. "Meryl baby, wake up, wake up!"

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