Chapter 35

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"Why don't you all have a seat, please." The doctor said. "I'm Dr. Reid and I saw both of your in-laws. First things, first. We need consent to give you mother-in-law surgery."

Suzie looked at her parents. "Surgery? Again?"

"I am concerned about infection since she ripped her stitches and was so close to the explosion. She does have debris chards in her skin we need to remove." The doctor explained. "I want to inject antibiotic solutions into her surgical scar and cauterize her incisions. I think that is best. She also lost several units of blood so we need consent for transfusions as well. She is stable and I know once she gets the transfusions and has this surgery she will wake up. I am not concerned at all about that."

Larry nodded."My wife and I are the godparents of their children. I am also their lawyer and currently have their secondary powers of attorney. I have the paperwork right here." Larry said as he dug into his coat pocket for an envelope he quickly grabbed before running out of his office; and then he gave it to the doctor. "Can I sign? I assume Don still can't."

"That's correct." Dr. Reid said giving Larry the papers as he cradled Brady in one arm and signed with the other. "These are their babies?"

Suzie nodded as she pointed to Mags in her arms and Brady in her father's. "These two are; the other one is mine, their only grandchild. What is the recovery like for Meryl? She is still nursing the babies and they are getting fussy because it's been awhile since they've eaten, I'm sure."

"We have some supplemental formula we can give them until she's awake and feels up to nursing." The doctor explained. "We can put her in her own room with the babies and she'll be able to care for them; we will treat it like a c-section. We will give her medication that is safe for the babies. Then her husband will be in his own room."

Liz shook her head. "If you want her to stay calm and rest then she needs to be in a room with Don."

"If not there will be hell to pay." Larry pointed out with a chuckle.

The doctor nodded and gave a slight smile. "We can do that. We'll make sure she has what she needs from pediatrics; and that she also receives the level of care she needs as well."

"What about my father-in-law?" Suzie asked as she kissed Mags' head. "What about Don?"

Dr. Reid nodded. "He is still unconscious but his vitals are very strong. I have a feeling he has some brain swelling from looking at his injuries which would explain his unconscious state. He has some burns which we will treat; and we will remove the chards of debris and treat those wounds just like we will with your mother-in-law. I won't know more until we do further testing."

"Whatever you need to do." Larry said. "Will he be okay?"

The doctor sighed. "I can't tell you definitively until I get the test results back. But the fact that his vitals are good is encouraging. We also did an EEG immediately and brain activity looks normal."

"Oh, thank God." Liz said as she grabbed Larry's hand. "We are staying until we know what is going on with both of them so we will be the point of contact. You'll bring us formula for the babies?"

Suzie looked in the stroller. "We were in such a hurry we didn't grab the twins' diaper bag and Lily's diapers will be way too big for them. They will be 3 weeks old tomorrow."

"I will have a nurse bring you those items." Dr. Reid said. "Wait here in the waiting room and we will update you with any information."

Larry shook the doctor's hand. "Thank you."

"What about the kids?" Liz asked Suzie. "What do you think?"

Suzie sighed. "I need to feed Lily. Why don't I take her back to the house and tell them what happened. I will tell them not to come up; at least until Aunt Meryl wakes up and can tell us what she wants. She didn't want me to tell them anything but Hen keeps calling me."

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